10 Takeaways From The Cowboys Win Against The Ravens

RJ Ochoa

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I have a rule- no Christmas music/decorations until after Thanksgiving.

Considering how hectic the NFL season is and the craziness that Thanksgiving Week can sometimes be, I broke my rule this week. I looked ahead and decorated over the weekend. I’m listening to Christmas music as I write this. And you know what? I HAVE NO REGRETS.

It was difficult for us to not make the same error with the Baltimore Ravens traveling to take on our Cowboys this past Sunday. Our ‘Boys were 8-1, this was an AFC team, and Thanksgiving is only a few days away which means the all-important date with Washington.

If there was ever any doubt, the Cowboys win against the Ravens showed that they don’t look past anybody. They truly are a day by day, week by week, game by game type of team. Here are my 10 Takeaways From The Cowboys Win Against The Ravens.

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Dan Bailey Is The Greatest Cowboys Kicker Ever

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This is not a bold statement, this is not exaggerating, this is totally and unequivocally true.

Dan Bailey made his 162nd and 163rd career field goals yesterday, and that is something that needs to be celebrated. The first of those two field goals tied Bailey with Rafael Septien for the most ever made by a Dallas Cowboys kicker, and the final lifted Dan to his own pedestal.

All of this happened on a day that saw NFL kickers miss a combined 12 extra points – Dan Bailey has never missed one. Cherish Dan Bailey.

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Ezekiel Elliott Is The Greatest Cowboys Rookie Running Back Ever

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Lather, rinse, repeat. Sunday was a historic day for the Dallas Cowboys – we’re not done naming why! – and particularly for rookie sensation Ezekiel Elliott.

On Sunday against the Baltimore Ravens, Zeke surpassed Hall of Famer Tony Dorsett’s franchise rookie record for rushing yards (1,007). Mr. Dorsett was on-hand himself to witness the accomplishment, because greatness is greatness to everyone… even Hall of Famers.

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Dez Bryant Is A Top 5 NFL WR Once Again

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It had been an enormously long time since we’d seen the Dez Bryant that we’ve come to know and love. When was that, exactly? In my humble opinion Dez had not been Dez since (regular season-wise) Week 17 of 2014. Coincidentally, that was Dez’s last multi-touchdown game.

On Sunday against Baltimore Dez Bryant found the paint twice. It’s no secret that he’s dealing with a lot of emotion after the tragic passing of his father last week, but Dez Bryant is playing some of the best football of his career.

There’s no denying that the offense all benefits from each other: Dak from Zeke, Zeke from Dez, Dez from Zeke, everyone from the Offensive Line. The Ravens could not stop the Cowboys offensively, and a lot of the reason why is Dez Bryant.

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The Cowboys Offense Is In Seriously Elite Company

It is time to – heads up opposing defenses – take this Cowboys Offense extremely seriously.

The Cowboys have eight straight games with over 400 offensive yards, a feat matched only by the 2007 Patriots and 2013 Broncos.

The 2007 Patriots, at the time, were literally and statistically the greatest offense to ever play. The only team that has ever been better than them, again literally and statistically, is the 2013 Denver Broncos.

Offensively the Cowboys simply cannot be stopped. They can’t. Believe it.

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David Irving Is A Pretty Impressive Pass Rusher

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All offseason long we begged for pass rushers, and a lot of us placed our hope in the speed and versatility of David Irving.

While Irving was only credited with one tackle, it was the constant and consistent pressure that he generated that helped the Cowboys limit the Ravens to the ‘ol Dick LeBeau 17-point line.

Rod Marinelli’s bunch isn’t one that’s concerned with stats and accolades; they’re concerned with making the day you play the Cowboys the worst one you’ve ever experienced. Sorry, Joe Flacco.

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The Second Half Was Played Perfectly By The Cowboys

The Cowboys’ gameplan is very well-known. They want to run the ball, drain the clock, and wear you out. They did that flawlessly in the second half against Baltimore.

This is four million types of insane. Three possessions in one half that allotted for over two thirds game time?! That is unheard of!

What’s particularly interesting/amazing about this, is that those three drives were all extremely efficient. The Cowboys scored on each of those possessions: touchdown, touchdown, field goal. Amazing.

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The Cowboys Finally Beat The Ravens

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Before Sunday, Dallas and Baltimore had squared off four times (the Ravens were established in 1996). All four of those contests ended with the Ravens as the winning team, including the last game ever at Texas Stadium.

TOO DA LOO SILLY STAT! The Cowboys have now beaten every active team in the NFL. This is an impressive mark for any NFL franchise, but it’s one that was needed for one with such history as the Dallas Cowboys. Tracy Turnblad would be so disappointed, Ravens.

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Joe Flacco Is Misguided And A Ridiculously Sore Loser

I have a lot of respect for Joe Flacco. In 2012 he said he believed himself to be the best quarterback in the NFL and then he carried his Ravens to a victory in Super Bowl XLVII.

I also have a lot of respect for common sense and logic. Joe Flacco doesn’t seem to have that these days.

That’s right. Literally right after losing 27-17 Joe Flacco came out and said that the Ravens should beat the Cowboys. Yo Joe… you know who touches the ball every play, right? You my man. If you believe that – do it. The last time Cowboys Nation saw a Joseph this disconnected from reality in AT&T Stadium he went by the last name Randle.

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Dak Prescott Spreads The Ball Around Very Well

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Dak Prescott connected with seven different receivers multiple times on Sunday. Seven! You know seven as in, the number of wins the Cowboys had two weeks ago (gosh this season is awesome).

Lance Dunbar, Gavin Escobar, Brice Butler, Ezekiel Elliott, Jason Witten, Cole Beasley, and Dez Bryant all caught multiple passes. Take a moment and seriously think about that. It explains how seemingly unstoppable this offense truly is.

Part of why the Cowboys offense can’t be contained is because there just simply isn’t enough man-power to answer all of these threats. This isn’t even a case of picking your poison. If you’re a defensive coordinator against the Cowboys you’re simply just picking which segment of the chain reaction you want to set off first.

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Jason Garrett Is Coach Of The Year

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We’re going to keep saying this until the NFL hands Jason Garrett what he’s earned… the 2016 title of Coach of the Year.

This was one of the most emotional weeks in recent Dallas Cowboys History. Jason Garrett had to navigate his team through the emotional wreckage, turmoil, and honestly awkwardness around the aftermath of Tony Romo’s press conference.

It’s very difficult to watch Tony Romo on the sidelines, we all know that. Somehow though, Jason Garrett got his team to play through it and dominated one of the better teams in the National Football League. He’s 9-1, got the best team in the NFL, and he deserves that title. Give it to him, NFL.

What were your takeaways from the Cowboys win against the Ravens? Let us know! Comment below, Email me at RJ.Ochoa@SlantSports.com, or Tweet to me at @RJOchoa!