2013 NFL Draft: Dallas Cowboys Are Changing Their Offense

Ben Grimaldi

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com_121213_NCF_Vblog_Dinich_TerrenceWilliams_121213A few days ago we all thought the Dallas Cowboys offense was going to be a variation of what we’ve seen from Jason Garrett in the past six seasons. Perhaps someone else was going to call the plays but not much else would be changing on the offense for the 2013 season. After watching the 2013 Draft unfold, that appears to a wrong assumption.

With the selection of Gavin Escobar and the comments from Jerry Jones and Jason Garrett after the draft had concluded on Friday night, things have drastically changed for the Cowboys offense. Fans have been screaming for Dallas to do things differently on offense; to spread defenses out and to get the ball out of Tony Romo’s hands earlier, and it looks like fans may be getting their wish.

Jones said the selection of Escobar was to “welcome the opportunity to add a real tight end, a New England-type emphasis.” This basically means the Cowboys will send their tight ends out as receivers more, rather than just having one blocking and then sending out Jason Witten to catch passes. The idea is to put more pressure on the defense in coverage and to give Tony Romo more options in the passing game. This will get the ball out of Romo’s hands quicker and force miss matches for the offense.

A great concept for the Cowboys, especially with their weapons on the outside. This is more of what being a “Romo friendly” offense is and allowing Romo to have an input on the offense is a smart idea. Romo knows when he’s the most comfortable and we saw all last sesson that a hyprid of the hurry up offense worked well for him. It fits Romo’s skills because it forces him to think less and react more, allowing his natural skills to take over.

However, please don’t overreact to Jones’ comments about Romo being at the Cowboys facility for “Peyton Manning” type hours. Romo has always been one of the hardest working Cowboys on the team and Jones was just using his sordid way of trying to hammer home a point, which was this; the Cowboys just gave you a ton of money and the keys to a new offense, we expect results. That statement is fine with me and should be fine with Cowboys fans all around. With Escobar, the upgrade at third receiver with Terrance Williams and securing a strong backup running back like Joseph Randle, the Dallas offense is in place to dominate.

This draft by the Cowboys and their new offense should have no problems moving the ball and scoring points. The size of Escobar and the added option of Williams, to go along with Dez Bryant, Miles Austin, Jason Witten and DeMarco Murray gives Dallas more than enough fire power to score at will. Especially now that the offense will be more geared to quicker plays and more options, rather than the same old stale offense that takes forever to get a play in, and off, at the line of scrimmage.

The new Cowboys offense should also see DeMarco Murray in the backfield by himself, without a fullback to clog up his lane and vision. I believe Murray is better suited for the single set of offense and the Cowboys should benefit from using it more.

Of course this offense isn’t complete and the draft still leaves the Cowboys short a lineman on offense but I believe the Cowboys will sign Tyson Clabo or Eric Winston to upgrade the line. That should make a big difference for the Cowboys and make all the draft picks worthwhile.

Cowboys fans, you’re offense is finally changing, and the results should be great.

3 thoughts on “2013 NFL Draft: Dallas Cowboys Are Changing Their Offense”

  1. I understand what Jerry was saying about Romo, but it’s just what the team didn’t need. Jerry just lit a fire under the “let’s get rid of Romo” group. Why give him a contract and then leave the impression that all Romo does is goof off and play golf?

  2. Although I’m to lazy to confirm my speculation, haven’t Murray’s best games and best stretch as a pro, come behind Fiametta?

    • Yup, Murray is a RB who has benefitted from having a FB. I do think that two-tight end sets will offer him some help though because it will force defenses to stretch to match up.

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