2016 Dallas Cowboys Will Play With A New Attitude

Brian Martin

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The Dallas Cowboys disastrous 2015 season can be attributed to one thing and one thing only…injuries. It’s difficult enough to win games in the NFL when your football team is 100% healthy, but when you’re missing several of your key members it’s nearly impossible to be a competitive ball team.

That’s exactly what happened to the Cowboys and one of the reasons why there are high hopes for the upcoming 2016 season.

Cowboys Headlines - 2016 Dallas Cowboys Will Play With A New AttitudeTony Romo, Dez Bryant, Orlando Scandrick are arguably the top players at their respective positions on the Cowboys roster, and all three missed significant time due to injuries last season. Even running back Lance Dunbar was beginning to show what kind of weapon he can be until once again an injury cut his season short.

Fortunately though for the Cowboys, all of these players should be 100% healthy to start the season, with the exception of Lance Dunbar. His recovery time may take a little longer, but at some point he should be able to pick up where he left off once he’s 100%.

With a healthy ball team, the Cowboys seem primed to be one of the favorites to make a push for a playoff appearance and I think that there is one thing that will help them get there…ATTITUDE!

If you have been paying attention to any of the news that has came out of these organized team activity practices (OTA’s) here recently, there has been one reoccurring theme that has been mentioned from those that have been fortunate enough to watch these particular practices.

Nearly everyone that has been able to observe OTA practices has mentioned that the Cowboys players seemed to be practicing with a renewed energy, and that to me suggests that they are focusing on a change in attitude in preparation for the upcoming season.

An attitude adjustment could possibly be a welcomed addition for a Cowboys football team that has struggled to find that killer instinct probably dating back to when Jason Garrett became head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Jason Garrett has done a tremendous job putting this team together and getting them to buy into his coaching philosophy. Garrett however doesn’t  seem to have that aggressive attitude. It might just not be in his nature, but it’s definitely something the Cowboys could use more of.

I personally think that will come from a few players that will be returning from injuries and even a new addition to the roster in 2016.

Dez Bryant

Cowboys Headlines - 2016 Dallas Cowboys Will Play With A New Attitude 2
(AP Photo/Matt Strasen)

Is there any denying that wide receiver Dez Bryant brings a much-needed attitude to the offensive side of the ball?

Bryant is the Cowboys emotional and inspirational leader and with him less 100% the majority of the season last year, the Cowboys struggled in the passing game and the entire offense was just ho-hum.

Sometimes people tend to get the wrong impression of #88 because sometimes his emotions can get a little out of control, but I don’t think anyone can deny that his attitude towards the game is infectious and that his teammates feed off his presence on the field, whether in practice or on game days.

I personally am looking forward to Dez Bryant and Tony Romo getting back to what they were doing in 2014 when they were both 100% healthy.

Orlando Scandrick

Cowboys Headlines - 2016 Dallas Cowboys Will Play With A New Attitude 1Orlando Scandrick joined the Cowboys as a fifth-round draft pick in 2008 and has managed to stick around despite the fact that the Cowboys have added several cornerbacks through the draft and free agency.

Scandrick entered the league with a chip on his shoulder and you can really see that attitude reflect in his game on the field. He likes to get in opposing wide receivers faces and plays with a physicality to back up that attitude.

#32 is a chirpy player and likes to run his mouth. Fortunately, he can back up that trash talk with his play.

I’m personally looking forward to when both Scandrick and Bryant are both back to 100% healthy and are able to face off against each other in practices. I think it makes both players better and everyone else they go up against.

Ezekiel Elliott

Cowboys Headlines - 2016 Dallas Cowboys Will Play With A New Attitude 3That’s right, I believe that rookie running back Zeke Elliott will be able to come in as a first-year player and add a spark of attitude to the Cowboys offense, not to mention boost the running game.

If you put on any tape of Elliott playing at Ohio State, you will notice that he approaches the game the right way and plays with an attitude that the entire team feeds off of.

It’s sometimes difficult for rookies to come in and become a leader on the team, but I have no doubt in my mind that Elliott will be that type of player for the Cowboys in 2016 and beyond.

Long time Cowboy Jason Witten has already expressed how impressed he is with Elliott’s approach to the game and if he can impress someone of Witten’s caliber, it’s only a matter of time until the rest of his teammates buy-in.

Do you think the Dallas Cowboys will play with a different attitude in 2016?

Please feel free to express your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below so that we can discuss this topic further.