49 Super Bowl Rings: 1974 Pittsburgh Steelers

RJ Ochoa

Home » Cowboys News » 49 Super Bowl Rings: 1974 Pittsburgh Steelers

There is no greater joy than winning the Super Bowl.

The NBA Finals? Lame. World Series? Eh. How about the Stanley Cup? Decent.

In the NFL Network documentary series America’s Game chronicling the 1992 Dallas Cowboys Michael Irvin talked about how some people think that the second championship is as sweet as the first and that the third is as sweet as the second.

All of those… are lies. There’s nothing like the first. Nothing. Because that was our first time saying – we were champions.

The first Super Bowl in a franchise’s history is always exciting. It’s uncharted territory for them and they are trying to figure things out as they go along. Typically the Super Bowl ring is pretty epic as it features that franchise’s logo at the face of it.

As we continue our countdown to Super Bowl 50 with the rankings of all 49 Super Bowl rings we’ll consider that in our evaluation.

Super Bowl Ring #47: 1974 Pittsburgh Steelers

I get that 1974 was a different time and that resources throughout the world aren’t what they are today. But seriously, this is the best that the Pittsburgh Steelers could come up with?!

NFL Blog - 49 Super Bowl Rings: 1974 Pittsburgh Steelers 1

Let’s just throw a black background on there, a diamond in the middle, slap our name on it, and we can call it a day.

I will say that the ring does have a certain classic and almost humble look to it. But dude, if I’ve just won the first Super Bowl in my franchise’s history you better believe even my boxers are going to have bells and whistles on them.

As I write this I’ve got the classic “Style” by Taylor Swift on in the background. Unlike Taylor or my Super Bowl Boxers, this ring has no style. It’s a shame because the 1974 Steelers unveiled their vaunted Steel Curtain to the world for the first time… if only the ring immortalized them as much as their play on the field did.

#47: Steal Curtain

This ring is so boring that if I owned it, I wouldn’t mind if somebody stole it. The 1970s were the most dominant decade of professional football and the Steelers were a big part of that. What they accomplished on the gridiron will be touted forever, but this ring will climb no higher than #47 on our list.

Join me on Friday as we reveal Super Bowl Ring #46!

Do you have a favorite Super Bowl ring? Email me your thoughts at rjochoa@insidethestar.com or Tweet @rjochoa.


1 thought on “49 Super Bowl Rings: 1974 Pittsburgh Steelers”

  1. I actually like this ring. It’s clean and simple. Looks pretty similar to a lot of other rings given style limitations in the 70’s, but it looks good. I’d rank it top 20, at least. Nice write up, though, RJ.

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