A Better Look At Harrison

Bryson Treece

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For anyone that missed it, and I’m talking about the personal foul on James Harrison during the Super Bowl, here’s a brief animated image I found showing the whole deal for you. You can find my original post about it here, and you can find the image on the original author’s site here.

James Harrison Super Bowl XLIII

What a punk … even I lost count of how many times he fouled that dude.


17 thoughts on “A Better Look At Harrison”

  1. Like I said before, even if Ware doesn’t get it, Harrison doesn’t deserve it either. Though I imagine a lot of people would pissed off if he were to stripped of it. Doesn’t matter though cause Goodell won’t do it, he loves the Steelers … apparently.

  2. Yeah I agree, Harrison had a pretty good season though and Ware is still young and if he steps up and plays like this again next year I guarantee he will get the award. Hell he might even break the sack record next year, he smells blood and is hungry.

  3. It’s called a defenseless player, kind of like blocking in the back? You know, that thing the Steelers do about 3 times a game? Learn at least some of the NFL rules or shut up dude.

    Harrison got called for that play by the officials, the broadcasters, several national and local media outlets ………. it was a foul.

    The question was whether or not he should have been ejected for the continued attack of a defenseless player when neither player was anymore involved in that play. That also wasn’t the only time Harrison was flagged for a personal foul in that game.

  4. I would also add that MANY players in the last 20 years even have been “beasts” on the field, but they were beasts within the rules, especially during a championship game. Harrison was frustrated that his team was losing, and took out on that Francisco guy.

  5. Show me where the foul is you retarded idiot……. remember it’s a live play he is blocking Da!
    It is football and he is a beast remember what he did to Romo? lol lol

  6. well thats why the gave that thug def player of the year…… d-ware deserved it…… but they were afraid harrison would go home and beat on his wife again, worse yet, beat up his gay buddy ben rothelisberger.

  7. It was a foul at the end but he did not know it was a fair catch (his back was turned). The media was making a big deal because it look like a punch……. as did the refs. However, with further review obviously you can see it was an open hand push/shove or in the football world we call it a block.
    Defensless? please give me a break he has pads on doesn’t he? And he was attepting to get up and proceed down field. Is he not! Penalty at the end cuase the play was dead YES! but ejectment NO!
    Obviously the Steelers take football a little more serious these days than they do at camp cupcake! Cowboys got abused at Heinz feild simply way more physical team from day one!
    Pittsburgh is linebacker central for a reason. Rememeber guys like Jack Lambert??
    Football is a violent sport! with guys like Harrison bigger and stronger and faster than ever it will only get more and more violent. It’s a mens sport for Real men. Let them play the game!

  8. How do you fair-catch a punt on the 2 yard line? That penalty ended up being a 1 yarder because it was half the distance to the goal. It wasn’t a fair catch that I recall, but rather a Cardinal downing the ball near the goal line.

    The punch is at the very beginning of that clip above, he punched his lower-left shoulder blade, then he threw him back, and then he pushed him again.

    He was balled up when he was punched in the back, and he was not actively doing anything other than trying to get up which makes him defenseless by NFL rules. He started to rock backwards to get up when he was thrown to the ground, the whistles had already blown the play dead by that point, I know Harrison can hear the whistle.

    And what are you doing on a Cowboys fansite anyway? The fact that you are here trying to defend Harrison proves that you see reason for him to be defended, and you can’t have that reason if he did nothing wrong. Sounds to me like you agree that he fucked up and just want to start some shit.

    I have no problem with you starting shit here either, but at least get your facts straight.

    By the way, that game showed that the Cowboys can keep up with the physical Steelers, they won it with interceptions, and contact is the last cause of interceptions. None of his three picks were thrown under duress, pressure maybe, but not because he was hit. Did you even watch that game?

  9. i agree treece, he does’nt like it that some people are saying bad things about one of his beloved steelers…….. we deal with it everyday, for years. it comes with being americas team. something steeler nation is desperatly seeking…. it kills them that even after winning the superbowl that the cowboys are still the team everyone is interested in, i guess even in pittsburgh…. why else would he be on a cowboy site.. he’s probably a fat, bald, real estate employee that drive around in a black yukon with steeler stickers all over it……i live in pittsburgh i see these morons everyday.

  10. Then we agree … can’t be a fair catch if no catch is made.

    So you know, I’ll be editing out the comments about Jeff … just looks bad bro.

    Harrison had a good year, true, or else he wouldn’t have even been in the running for the def. player of the Year, but it still kills me that you won’t acknowledge the punch, not the shove, but the punch. It was what he did to hold the guy down, as you say.

    There are players that had better stats and play in 08 though that didn’t have any personal fouls called against them. That’s my beef, in part, and I realize expecting too much leads to frequent disappointment. Time for these elite players to act like it on and off the field. Tired of hearing about players getting arrested, tired of hearing about fines for hitting or spitting, or whatever.

    The arrests, penalties, fines etc. all happen because of the choices a player makes, and we shouldn’t be rewarding bad choices. Something the Cowboys front office needs a little more practice in. They’re getting it right a little with Tank Johnson and Pacman.

    The simplest truth is though, even with a sixth ring, the Cowboys still top the Steelers on every headline, regardless of what the story is. I think it’s players like Harrison that cause that.

  11. I was drawn here by the gay JEFF he sent me the link. just to aggravate me …. after aggreeing that it was a o.k. play in person………… And first of all I know that it was downed and that it was half the distance to the goal penalty…… but if you really watched the video you will see #21 Mewelde Moore signal for a fair catch………. at the same moment also notice that cards players are still going full speed flying around passing the Harrison/ Francesco duel. As he tried to get up Harrison held him down and then as he attempted to get up ….. with a completely open hand (glove black on top and gray on bottom) he pushed/shoved him in the chest. Comepletely legal and this is a play in which a coach would appluad his player on every level. it’s the after the play antics that usualy get the penalty……… And please find a copy of the video of the entire play and others between the two……… you will see that he took a cheap knee shot at harrison and punched him in the balls……. too knowbodys talking about those. I think it is a little ridiculas that it has drawn so much attention. I believe that it really came from Maddens comments in which he admitted that he really spoke to soon…… If it was that bad he will get fined by the NFL as did joey porter…… hines ward…….. etc.. Madden is still upset about the Immaculate reception! lol
    I love the NFL and those Steelers are my beloved since I was a little baby. through thick and thin I remain a fan always will. I do not jump band wagons and i do not hate other teams. I travel to other stadiums to see the away games especialy florida games. Steelers fans are everywhere and travel better than any other in comparison. For a small market team they are an extremely succesfull and well respected sports francise maybe the most succesfull ever!
    Pittsburgh is a football town. I do not want to take away from others but if you watch the away games look at the fans in the stands….. it’s crazy and every sports announcer has mentioned these facts. Every football town has steeler fan clubs and steeler bars. And sure the migration of the colapsed steel mill industry played a major roll in the steeler nation arise in prominence I took lots of video footage as I headed down south it was crazy every rest stop on the way was packed and people from every where even lots who have never been to pittsburgh surpriseingly….. but to even discuss it with JEFF???? FOO-EEE He gave up on his Cowboys…… He denounced them and swore to never watch them again after the embarrassing losses this year. He even stated that he would never watch football again. I even took his Stupid cowboy star upon his wish and destroyed it for him. Oh yeah it just makes me wonder???? but I won’t let this one loser be the judge of all cowboys fans cuase I know there are some loyal true fans. But for Jeff the fag! WAKE UP YOU LIVE IN SIXBURGH BABY! lolololololololol I tell the truth never lie….. he always lies but you decide. but if I was you I wouldn’t even let this loser post any more comments or call himself a fan. He will go down as many do and just be classed as another Steeler Hater! OH by the way if your ever in a little town Beaver Falls PA. (home of Joe Nameth) stop by his Rinky Dink Dirty Little Dump of a car repair shop where you can’t work there unless your a slender young boy and even if your car isn’t broke it will be by the time you get it back ($2,000.00 and 6 weeks later on a flatbed)it will be!

  12. And that’s where we disagree … one of the points … Ware was more valuable to the Cowboys D than Harrison was to the Steelers D and he had better stats.

    It wasn’t bad because it was violent, it was bad because he disregarded the rules and the idea of player safety. You notice that guy nearly fell on his own leg that first big shove, and the shove wasn’t warranted, which is why he was flagged. It was low-class for him to do that, just as it would for any other player to do it. This isn’t personal toward Harrison.

  13. About your beef well I understand but it used to be alot worse think of guys like Deacon Jones… Dick Butkis, Night trian Lane, Jack Youngblood, Lyle Alzado and the list goes on and on these were beasts of the same sort and they had to change the rules of the game. Given that society in general has become way more violent in nature I would commend the NFL for giving us fans the greatest sports league in the world bar none. They do a great job of giving us just enough violence to keep us happy with-out it getting out of contol. i just can’t see what was soooooo bad both times that he hit him it was with an open hand and he didn’t put a shoulder into him or nothing like that he just shoved him down a few times lol….. but we love it here in Pittsburgh and we love im-poseing our will on other teams. Most do not even know that Harrison was cut before and was brought back twice before making the line-up last year.
    the Rooneys do not play around just remeber Bam Morris found to be guilty gone same day. Cedric wilson admitted guilty gone that week and others. I think that the Cowboys problems begin and end with JERRY JONES he needs to stay off the feild and out of the locker room. He screws things up and remember there are less than 300,000 people in the city of pittsburgh and all of it’s surrounding suburbs very small market wouldn’t you say? How many live in Dallas?
    We had over 300,000 show up for the victory parade…. that is loyalty bro’

  14. better stats yes but it’s about the value of the individuals play to the entire teams success in general…… MVP

  15. Wow someone send this guy a copy of the rule book please, I understand sticking up for your team, but even when a Cowboy does stupid shit like that I deface them, so please own up to it was a dirty shot, along with all the other bullshit he did in that game.

    Thank you and goodnight.

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