A Game Of Survivor: Jason Garrett Stands Tall Among NFC East Coaches

RJ Ochoa

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I’m not much of a reality tv fan.

Sure I love Big Brother, but who doesn’t? I’m admittedly still a huge fan of MTV’s The Challenge, but that makes two more reality television shows than I really want in my life.

During a casual “What should we watch?” conversation with my girlfriend the subject of Survivor came up. I sort of scoffed at the idea, but she said to have faith and that I would love it.

I spent the better part of last weekend with a little bit of a cold so I had plenty of time to watch my new pal Jeff Probst teach me about this new game. At the culmination of my marathon there were three thoughts that stood out above the rest:

  • I really want some rice.
  • Rich totally deserved to win (spoiler alert… the season ended in 2000 so is this really a spoiler?).

Thankfully there are plenty of seasons for me to dive into, but I am now a lifelong fan. With Survivor on the brain though, and the 32nd season finale airing Wednesday, I couldn’t help but think about someone on the Dallas Cowboys who knows what it’s like to be one.

Jason Garrett.

What exactly has Jason Garrett survived, though? Is it the legendary “puppet” moniker that detractors have come up with? Is it his fellow NFC East Head Coaches? Is it the legendary shadow that Jimmy Johnson, who actually competed on Survivor, casted over the Dallas Cowboys back in Garrett’s playing days?

Sit down for the Tribal Council meeting while I tell you how it’s all three.

Jason Garrett The “Puppet”

Jerry Jones is a legendary figure in sports. People who don’t even watch sports know that. I mean, the dude was on Entourage (another show I love, FYI) for crying out loud.

Mr. Jones has a perception about him that people love to translate towards the football team that he happens to own, the Dallas Cowboys.

“All Jerry cares about is money!” you’ve heard ad nauseam.

“He will sign anybody! If he’s got a criminal record, he’ll be a Cowboy!” is something you’ve rolled your eyes at.

“Jerry just wants a coach to be his puppet! That’s all Garrett is.” seems to have become quite popular during the Jason Garrett era.

Cowboys Headlines - A Game Of Survivor: Jason Garrett Stands Tall Among NFC East Coaches

I’m not here to deny that Jerry Jones loves his football team because he certainly does, but he also understands what he can and cannot do. We’re all well-versed in the way Jimmy Johnson left this franchise, and Jerry himself has expressed some regret over that. He realizes where he erred and is now trying to make up for that with Coach Garrett.

Jason Garrett has the most influence of any Head Coach post-Jimmy Johnson in terms of how the team is built. A phrase that is burned into our brains it the “right kind of guy” mantra that Coach Garrett preaches in terms of the people he wants on his football team.

Did Jerry overrule Coach Garrett a year ago and his “RKG” philosophy by bringing in Greg Hardy? Certainly so. There’s no secret that Coach Garrett isn’t about that kind of player; however, after a year’s experiment Coach Garrett won out and Hardy is out on the streets. Things are changing and the wind is turning towards JG’s sails.

Jason Garrett: Longest Tenured Head Coach In The NFC East

Those words are not deceiving your eyes. We are at a place where the top veteran among the NFC East Head Coaches is that red-haired leader of the Cowboyga Tribe.

The following coaches have all been fired by their respective teams since Jason Garrett took over full-time as the Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys in 2011. Their records in that time (2011-Present) from NFC East competition are in parenthesis:

  • Andy Reid, fired after 2012 season (12-20)
  • Mike Shanahan, fired after 2013 season (18-31)
  • Chip Kelly, fired right before 2015 season ended (26-32)
  • Tom Coughlin, fired after 2015 season (41-43)

In that timespan Jason Garrett is an even-steven 41-41. That’s obviously two less losses than the Giants in that time (four of the Giants wins came on their road to a Super Bowl XLVI victory) and a significantly greater win percentage than the rest of the field.

Cowboys Headlines - A Game Of Survivor: Jason Garrett Stands Tall Among NFC East Coaches 2

What stands out to me about Jason Garrett more than anything is his relationship with Tony Romo. You look at him and Coach Coughlin and there’s a common denominator in terms of their sustained success in the NFL’s most storied division – a franchise quarterback.

I’ve dropped this stat a few times, but in case you didn’t know… Tony Romo has never, and I mean NEVER, played a game where he was mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. Every game that he has ever played… has mattered.

That translates towards Jason Garrett as well. Obviously Garrett has coached in games that ultimately were meaningless, but when his guy is in there he’s been money. Whether you want to attribute 100% of that to Romo is on you, but Tony himself would tell you that it hasn’t ever been him alone.

Jason Garrett Emerging From Jimmy Johnson Shadow

Jimmy Johnson’s career record with the Dallas Cowboys was 51-37. Coach Garrett is obviously approaching his total win amount, but he’s got a ways to go as far as hardware is concerned.

Coach Garrett knows how great Jimmy Johnson was better than any of us. He played for him in 1993 when the Dallas Cowboys won Super Bowl XXVIII after all.

Cowboys Headlines - A Game Of Survivor: Jason Garrett Stands Tall Among NFC East Coaches 3

If there’s one thing that Coach Johnson is really remembered for it’s for the disposition that he created. Losing absolutely was not tolerated. It was more than a mindset… it was a faith. Jason Garrett doesn’t necessarily have the bravado or outward personality of Jimmy Johnson, but he’s creating his own culture around the Dallas Cowboys.

The “right kind of guy” thing is real. Jason Garrett likes leaders. He likes team captains. He wants players who are going to come in and be all-stars everywhere they set foot, whether that’s on the football field or in the community.

It’s not a debate as to whether or not Jason Garrett has eclipsed Jimmy Johnson, because he obviously hasn’t as far as football is concerned. What is interesting, noteworthy, and factual though is that moreso than anyone between the two tenures… Jason Garrett is on his way.

The ✭ Tribe has spoken.

What do you think of Jason Garrett the “Survivor”? Let us know! Comment below, Email me at RJ@RJOchoaShow.com, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!

4 thoughts on “A Game Of Survivor: Jason Garrett Stands Tall Among NFC East Coaches”

  1. Per Wikipedia, Jason Garrett’s career record is 46-44 (which includes the playoffs).

    That’s hardly something to crow about. “Better than the rest of the NFC East”? OK, but so what? Has it really come down to this? The Cowboys used to make the playoffs every year. We had a string of twenty consecutive seasons above .500, we won five Super Bowls in eight trips., but now we happy to simply have a HC who is better than the rest of the NFC East?

    Mercy, how fan expectations have fallen.

    • Fred,

      You’re certainly right that Jason Garrett’s overall record is 46-44. That’s including his 5-3 record as interim HC in 2010. I spoke specifically from 2011 till now.

      I’m not at all suggesting that we lower expectations, but I think that you might be having too lofty ones. The NFL is a different time than when those twenty consecutive seasons happened, you know that as well as I do. Jason Garrett has essentially been in the playoffs every year save 2010 and 2015 (when enormous circumstances plagued the team). He’s been in win-and-in scenarios or the playoffs in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. That’s four consecutive years of being seriously relevant. The fact that it’s more than anyone else in the division can boast is what’s impressive.

    • I don’t think I’d go so far as to call it impressive, RJ. Considering the records Dallas had when vying for playoff contention those years, it’s really more of a who stunk it up less question.

      Historically the NFC East has been a tough division and during Garrett’s tenure that has remained unchanged. NFC East teams upset powerhouse teams from around the league and remain in constant competition with division rivals in a way that is tough to match. That the Cowboys have come out ahead as often as they in the division is a good sign, but we all know a coach does not make a team.

      But Randy, expectations have fallen? One article about the leader of this team not being shit doesn’t equal lowered expectations. I certify that the Super Bowl wasn’t harmed by the making of this post. But what is the point of being a fan if you can’t get excited about the team? Not just what they do, but who they are. We’re not following an anonymous win-loss record here; we follow a team of players and coaches and RJ’s words, while sounding a tad naive, are really just his support and fandom.

      Can’t fault him for that, can you? No matter how it sounds.

  2. I’m convinced that Brandon Carr keeps playing a Hidden Immunity Idol to stay on the roster.

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