A New Episode of Cowboys Cast Is Out Now – #19

Bobby Belt

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Episode 19 of Cowboys Cast is now available online as a podcast.

This week, me and RJ Ochoa joined Bobby Belt to discuss Cowboys camp with Dallas/Fort Worth sportswriter for NBC DFW, Pat Doney. We also discussed this Cowboys-Rams brawl that seemingly captivated the nation.

It was actually a series of multiple fights that ultimately ended practice early when Coach Fisher and Coach Garrett had enough but more interesting is that Dez Bryant has received a lot of blowback from the fights. I’ve checked every story I can find along with videos and by all accounts, Dez didn’t start anything. Yet he’s still catching heat over it.

So will Dez Bryant ever be able to avoid blame when something bad happens? We discuss that today.

Plus, we took our first look at the potential 53-man roster and discussed the Cowboys @ 49ers game tomorrow night with our players to watch for the game.

It’s available on SoundCloud, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spreaker, and Mixcloud now. To listen on one of those, just click the links.