Adam Schein: No Credibility, Just Noise

Walter Yeates

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Once individuals step into the realm of Sports Journalism, they have more responsibilities as compared to the average fan. A fan doesn’t necessarily have to be knowledgeable to speak about the game over a beer with friends but when you’re a Journalist, your entire reputation rests on the credibility of your statements and claims.

With every article I draft, I do my research to ensure that the opinions I state within the piece are informed and not simply off the cuff. I do not want to feign knowledge and trick readers into believing something that has no basis of truth.

I actually care about my credibility and reputation.

Insert Adam Schein. Adam is a Sports Journalist working for CBS Sports and last year he tweeted the following:

Adam Schien, as some friends back home would say, allow me to learn you something today.

It is not wise for a journalist of any sort to contradict themselves in any fashion, but doing so in 140 characters requires a certain bit of skill. Although, I can almost excuse that tweet since almost everyone thought the Dallas Cowboys were going to struggle last year.

Now that is slightly premature. Much like ESPN First Take, Adam decided to jump on the bandwagon that without Orlando Scandrick the Cowboys will sink this season.

I will allow Derek Eagleton, the Senior Director of Media & Programming for the Dallas Cowboys to show you why Schein’s remarks are unwarranted:

Yeah, Adam Schein doesn’t even cover the team. So, he is practically informing fans as a “journalist” by simply looking at the Dallas Cowboys roster and saying, “Tyler Patmon? I don’t know that name so he must be bad.”

Now that is the exact kind of crack journalism I would expect from someone who has never watched any film, never attended a press conference, never stepped into a locker room, nor has ever worked for a major media outlet.

Oh right, Adam Schein works for CBS. So he really doesn’t have any excuse for his comments. Therefore, I do not believe anyone should take anything he says seriously.

He is simply looking for attention and is without much credibility.