Are Cowboys Better Equipped for Playoffs Now Than 2014?

Jess Haynie


2014 Coaches



Jason Garrett (HC)
Scott Linehan (OC)
Rod Marinelli (DC)
Rich Bisaccia (ST)
Jason Garrett (HC)
Scott Linehan (OC)
Rod Marinelli (DC)
Rich Bisaccia (ST)

The only official difference here is that, in 2014, Bill Callahan was still around as the “running game coordinator.” Scott Linehan was still the only play-caller, though, so the change is negligible.

2014 was Linehan’s first year in Dallas. It was Rid Marinelli’s first year the defensive coordinator; he’d been working under Monte Kiffin the year before. Two years later, they have a much firmer grasp of their personnel and have had more time to coach and mold players towards their specific vision.

This continuity will only help the Cowboys in this new playoff run. They are a more cohesive unit with more experienced leadership. Clearly, the 2016 team has the edge.