Are Cowboys Better Equipped for Playoffs Now Than 2014?

Jess Haynie

[tps_title]Final Verdict[/tps_title]

The 2016 Cowboys seem to have run away with this, being better at every position but one. However, that one position carries a lot of weight.

Perhaps the biggest question facing this year’s team is whether or not Dak Prescott’s rookie inexperience will cost them in the playoffs. It’s a legitimate concern but something you can’t avoid now. Dak has defied the odds already this year and you have to see it through.

David IrvingIf Prescott maintains his level of play in January, this Cowboys team is more talented and deeper across the board than the group from two years ago. They are in better position to dominate time of possession, avoid turnovers, and stop opposing defenses. They are a more finely-tuned machine, both across the roster and with the coaching staff.

It also bears mentioning that this year’s team earned the privilege of playing all of it’s playoff games at home. Not only do the Cowboys avoid travel throughout the NFC, but even the Super Bowl is going to be played in Houston, TX. It’s just another advantage that the 2016 Cowboys enjoy this postseason.

The question now, and one that we will start to get answers to later today, is what these Cowboys are going to do with everything they’re bringing into these playoffs. The 2014 squad at least won a playoff game; Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliott, and the rest of the gang still need to prove they an do that.