Are Dallas Cowboys 1st Rounders Getting Coaches New Jobs?

RJ Ochoa

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We’ve all had that boss.

You know which one I’m talking about. Don’t lie now. There’s been more than a handful of times where you broke your back, not you Tony Romo, doing a great job and your boss/manager/supervisor got the credit. If you can’t think of one off the top of your head then go watch every episode of The Office and get back to me. Michael Scarn!

The Dallas Cowboys have one boss, King Jerruh, but they also have a food chain just like every major corporation. Each guy has his own boss whether that’s the Owner, General Manager, Head Coach, or Position Coach.

Cowboys Blog - Are Dallas Cowboys 1st Rounders Getting Coaches New Jobs?

America’s Team has seen two position coaches set sail for “greener” pastures in each of the last two offseasons. A year ago it was Offensive Line Coach Bill Callahan deflecting to the division rival Washington Redskins and just a few weeks ago it was Secondary Coach Jerome Henderson who jumped ship to the Atlanta Falcons.

What is particularly interesting about those two departures is that they came after a season where the position coach in question had a first round talent added to their arsenal who exceeded expectations and proved to be quite the player. In 2014 it was Zack Martin and 2015 it was Byron Jones. That’s pretty chin-stroking, wouldn’t you say?

Both Jerome Henderson and Bill Callahan joined the Dallas Cowboys Coaching Staff in 2012. Since then, and even the year before for what it’s worth, literally every first round draft pick has been either an offensive lineman or secondary player (Morris Claiborne, Travis Frederick, Zack Martin, and Byron Jones) and therefore a new toy for either Henderson or Callahan.

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Obviously three of those are already Stars at such young ages. I’m too nice to name the one that isn’t, but I will say that his name rhymes with Boris Maythorn…

The argument can certainly be made that the stout Offensive Line of the Cowboys helped Callahan gain some national notoriety, so it’s quite understandable that he was highly coveted a year ago. But what has, outside of Byron Jones, Jerome Henderson shown that made anybody say, “We need that guy!”?

It’s interesting that two years in a row the Cowboys have seen the position coach of the previous first round draft pick pack up and leave. Twice means it’s a tradition so I guess whoever we take in the first round this year will be seeing their position coach say “too da loo” in 2017!

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Who do you think the next position coach to leave Dallas will be? You can tell everybody! (This is your song). Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!