10 Thoughts A Day After Cowboys Beat Eagles 20-10

Romo Breaks Clavicle The Tony Romo injury hurts dearly, but this is proving to be a poor division and the Cowboys still have a lot of positives – particularly on defense – that they can build on. I expect them to have a winning record while Tony is out. Closing … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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10 Post-Game Musings Following Cowboys SNF Win Over Giants

Mincey’s Bonehead Move Jeremy Mincey was critically stupid last night, getting baited into a personal foul by Ereck Flowers after a play that set up 3rd and short. Giants got an automatic first down and continued to march down the field. It didn’t end up being a factor … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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A New Episode of Cowboys Cast Is Out Now – #19

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/220419847″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Episode 19 of Cowboys Cast is now available online as a podcast. This week, me and RJ Ochoa joined Bobby Belt to discuss Cowboys camp with Dallas/Fort Worth sportswriter for NBC DFW, Pat Doney. We also discussed this Cowboys-Rams brawl that … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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