A Question For Cowboys Fans

Randy Bush writes, “My question to all of you Cowboys fans is this: Do you feel that Mr. Jones VALUES winning enough to find making these fundamental changes worthwhile?” That’s the end of a comment left on the FireGMJerry.com feature from last week (redacted post), and I felt … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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NFL Properties LLC Cover-Up?

It’s really starting to bug me that the videos of Santonio Holmes’ winning touchdown catch are being pulled, but even more so that the only video I find being pulled are the ones showing the catch from the back of the end zone. NBC made sure not to … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Roy Williams Speaks!

A mid-season trade brought the former Detroit Lion wide receiver to the Cowboys. After that not much was heard or even seen of Roy Williams! Until Friday! Then Roy Williams went on the offensive. Roy Williams spoke on Mike and Mike in the Morning on Friday morning and … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Officials Missed the Mark Entirely

I try to catch myself being too one-sided because I never like to just look at one side of an argument, but some of this I just can’t help. I also can’t help posting Steelers -vs- Cardinals talk on a Cowboys website either, but we all hate the … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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A Win Without Class, Thanks Harrison

How’s this for class … on two plays towards the end of the game, while the Steelers were losing, James Harrison, Mr. Defensive Player of The Year, showed us exactly why he should have never won that award. On a holding call against the Cardinals on Harrison, he … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Communities are what keep this country going … Wouldn’t you agree? Whether it’s a community trying to keep local culture and commerce alive with family owned business and small-town flare for familiarity, or it’s a community of football fans all pulling for the returned success of the Dallas … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Wade Phillips may be the solution

I’ve got a theory; tell me what you think of it. Wade Phillips is the head coach, he responsible for overseeing his other coaches and getting everything together for the game plan he develops. In 2008, the defense sucked until Wade started taking a bigger role on D, … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Should Jerry Jones, the GM, be fired?

I just saw something I found interesting and wanted to share it with you guys. You know that I support this website … www.FireTheCowboysGM.com … well they’ve had a poll on their front page for a week or so now, and the results are worth a mention here. … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Greg “The Whiner King” Ellis at it again

Well that didn’t take long. Greg Ellis has already started his campaign for biggest pain in the ass, and it’s not even February yet. Now maybe we can’t really disagree with him too much since he is saying that he wasn’t used right on the field, but yeah, … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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