News And Notes Of The Day

El Gato returns this week! What a major lift this guy will give this team. They will probably take it slow with Felix Jones this week, but he is just another weapon the 49ers will have to keep an eye on. Expect to see more man coverage from … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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No Time To Relax

The San Francisco 49ers brings their 3-7 record to town this week. There is no room to look beyond this game, the Cowboys simply cannot afford to stumble. This will not be an easy game it will take the same kind of effort given in the Redskin game … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Terence Newman Puts Santana Moss In His Place

The focus of the media was on the return of Tony Romo, the bigger return was of one Terrence Newman! T-New was huge in his return. I cannot express how big he was for this team. Romo, and Barber will grab most of the headlines, but I am … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys vs Redskins Preview with The Curly R

After calling out Redskins fans we finally found a Redskin blog willing to get together and give us their views on tonight’s game! Ben over at the Curly R was gracious enough to collaborate on 5 questions with us. Head on over and check out our answers here! … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Steelers Show Cowboys What To Do

The key to the game this week will be can the Dallas defense get pressure on Jason Campbell. I took some time and went back and took a look at some highlights from the first meeting, as well as what the Steelers did against Washington 2 weeks ago. … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Redskins Fans, Prepare For Your Ass Whooping!

I took some time and have been reading on some of the Redskin blogs just to see what they had to say about the upcoming game. Well I must tell you I was a little shocked to find a rather quiet fan base! I guess I just assumed … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Pac Man Out & DeAngelo Hall In

Jerry Jones just can’t get enough! After dealing with Mr. Jones (prison number 69696969) and all of his issues, not to mention the poor production of Tank, and all the previous knuckle heads. Word around town is that the Cowboys and Patriots are the front runners to acquire … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys Bench Veteran Starter?

If you happened to catch Wade Phillips’ Monday press conference you may or may not have picked up on a few key statements from Phillips. Other than the ridiculous mumbling, and stumbling around that he did, I believe he may have let us all in on a certain … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys Take Beating From Giants

On a day that the Cowboys could have made a statement to the league and to themselves, that they were fighters, and prove the critics wrong. They simply showed up and took their ass whooping! Not even so much as a whimper! There is no excuse for their … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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