Week 8 In The Life Of The Dallas Cowboys

And the game ball goes to…. Wade Phillips??? Excuse me Wade Phillips the same guy we all wanted hung from the tallest tree last week! Evidently the Cowboys believe ol’ Marshmallow man was the straw that stirred the drink this week! In all seriousness he did an outstanding … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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What Now?

Sorry for the lack of posting! Remember what I said a few posts ago about some Cowboy fans get quiet after losses? Well I think I have proved my point. The loss to the Rams on Sunday was exceptionally difficult for me, and for most Cowboy fans. I … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Bill was Too tough & Wade is Soft!

To put it mildly, this team is not very good! Three straight games with average effort, no offensive intensity, and the worst special teams unit in the game! This team continues to carry its “Awe shucks” mentality into every game, and if not for a couple of plays … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Now introducing “THE THUG OF THE YEAR”

Well it did not take very long for “Pac-Man” Jones to be back in the news again! He made it a whole month! Even though I believe this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion, this guy is either extremely stupid, or completely oblivious to his … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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ESPN the worldwide leader in idiots

I just read an article on ESPN.com about how the Cowboys are the third best team in the NFC East, and how they expect to be treated like champions. The Boys get blasted for among other things beating the Bengals by “count them 9 points”. Matt Mosley even … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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It’s Time To Wake Up!

Sorry for the lack of posting the last few weeks. I have spent too much time dealing with the aftermath of IKE, traveling to Dallas, and being destroyed in softball. What was supposed to be a fun pressure release for me (softball) turned into a good old-fashioned ass … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys & Texans Rivarly!! HUH!

Now for most teams the object is to win A Championship, but for the Cowboys expectations have always been of a higher standard, and that standard is to become the best and stay there for as long as possible! This is why you will not see them be … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Week 3 Defensive Recap vs Packers

Evidently some of the things I covered on last weeks game Brian Stewart covered with the defense this week. Notice I said “Some of the things”, tackling is still an issue, but intensity and up the middle pressure were there this week. This game essentially came down to … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys Vs Eagles Defensive Recap

This game essentially comes down to over pursuit, and extremely poor tackling! In a game in which the Cowboys defense had Donovan McNabb on the run all night long, these two elementary items had them look very poor at times! How is it possible for professional athletes to … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Going from good to great against the Browns

On the first Sunday in September, the start of the NFL regular season got under way. The beginning of a new brand of Cowboy defense began as well! The performance put forth against the Cleveland Browns on Sunday was, well let’s say very good! I say very good … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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