Beyond the bubble: 7 players that won’t pass waivers

Every year fans tend to go a little crazy over players who seemingly show up in a big way during preseason only to be cut when the final 53 is announced. With the task of fielding a legitimate Special Teams unit, replacing injured players that will come back … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Player Spotlight: Davon Coleman

If you were to ask the Dallas Cowboys coaches, “In one word, what is the first thing that jumps off the page about Davon Coleman,” I suspect at least a few would answer, “Motor, the kid has got a motor…he never quits, he keeps coming, keeps grinding, keeps … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Jonathan’s Projected 53 Man Roster: Preseason Week 1

As we move through the preseason, DCN staff will present to you their takes on the coming finalization of the Cowboys’ 53 man roster. Today we have Jonathan Day’s projections. Previous staff projections from preseason week one: Mike Harlos. Offense: Quarterback Tony Romo Brandon Weeden Tony is the … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Dustin Vaughan: The Other Texas A&M Quarterback

Dustin Vaughan first came on my radar with a YouTube video spoofing a pre-draft interview. Taking an instant liking to his sense of humor, I was curious if he actually could back up his otherwise false-bravado. He was impressive for being a UDFA; in fact, he was the … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The Worst that Could Happen…

…Could be the best thing to happen to our Cowboys this season. It all depends on how you choose to look at it. Perusing over my last several contributions, it could be said that I did so under the influence of the infamous kool-aid many fans partake of … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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A Losing Season for Dallas a Foregone Conclusion?

You hear it on radio, you read it in national and local news, you have to listen to it on a regularly from fellow fans and couch-analysts alike – the Cowboys are going 8-8 or less. The reason offered? The Cowboys organization did nothing to improve what was … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Cowboys Facing Tough Questions, But Far From Hopeless

If you’re familiar with my contributions at, then you know I’m not a big believer in these 2014 Cowboys. Let me define “big believer” – I do not believe this team is championship caliber. I’m certainly not willing to write off their potential as a playoff team. … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The “Defecation Hits the Oscillation” Situations

Many in the media (local and abroad), as well as across the blogosphere, have taken a simplistic view on how Jason Garrett will retain his job following this upcoming season, stating one of two qualifiers: He either has to make the playoffs, or he has to do better … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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A Tale of Two Teams

Forgive the blatant clichéd to death Charles Dickens rip off, but honestly I don’t think there is a play on words that I’ve heard that better describes the Cowboys of the last 3 years.  I touched on this briefly in my last contribution; thus far in 3 games, … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Tom Coughlin Awards The Game Ball to Tony Romo

…or at least he should have. This was going to be a dissertation on how the bulk, if not all, of the blame should fall on Tony’s shoulders for that loss against the Giants.  I started on it last Monday, and had a book written but soon realized … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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