Blueprint to Beating the Big Blue Black and Blue – Part 2

Back by popular demand (popular demand being defined as, at least, one person asking me to do this), I will now attempt to predict how the Cowboy’s can stop the otherwise vaunted run attack of the Giants and their potentially dangerous aerial game. But the first thing we … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The Blueprint to Paint the Big Blue Black and Blue

“Whoever gets the mismatch gets the ball with us,” Bennett said. “I think it’s a great tool and a great weapon we showed.”  Martellus Bennett dead panned. Personally, I think this may have been the definition of tipping your hand, but then again, I think most defenses in … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Keeping The Mediots Honest … I Have a Goose To Cook!!!

So I’m driving along listening to the Ticket and Goose Gosslin was the special (ed) guest.  To be honest, I don’t listen to sports radio during the day enough to know whose show it was, but that’s really not important.  So, the show host make’s the point that … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Redskin Deadspin

If this is your second time looking at this, you may have noticed I had my number’s backwards.  It was the Giants that led the Redskins by 10 going into the half, 17 to 7.  So the Redskins are pretty much who we thought they were.  But as … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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A week of posturing…

Posturing.  I really love that word.  I hear it quite a bit during the football offseason, as I watch UFC and WEC to feed my love for all contact sports.  In fighting, in short, it is used to describe the strategy fighters employ to set up their opponent … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Cornering my concerns for the Cowboy’s Final 53

First, my final 53 is based on my observations thus far. OFFENSE QB – Tony Romo, Jon Kitna, Stephen McGee (though, it would be nice if we could tuck McGee away on the practice squad, to save room for additional personnel on defense) HB – Marion Barber, Felix … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Cowboys Vs. 49ers – My Crystal Ball

In week 1, my crystal ball told me to expect an ugly showing against the Raiders and for the most part that assessment was fairly accurate.  Transversely, in week 2, my crystal ball told me to look for marked improvement among the ranks; once again, my crystal ball … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The Glass Half-Full Perspective – Cowboys Vs Raiders

This response to the Cowboy’s vs. Raider’s game is a little late because my son was sick the Friday following the game up until Monday of this week.  Better late than never… Call it ESP(N),but I had a premonition about Thursday night, as noted a few articles down … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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