How Chris Cooley could have actually been funny…

What does Broke Back Mountain and Dallas have in common? They both have Cowboy’s that suck! When I was told this joke I laughed until I damn-near cried.  While an obvious affront to my beloved Cowboy’s, I couldn’t help but think that joke was hilarious; especially considering I … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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1 Week

First, my apologies for the lack of contribution as of late.  My workload has recently been increased exponentially and, as a result, I barely have enough time to keep up with training camp.  Now that I’m all caught up: Is anyone else catching the hype bug?  After the … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Keeping Them Cowboys Mediots Honest

If it’s about the Cowboy’s and is published in a public forum, chances are, my eyes don’t miss it.  Regardless of my opinion of the writer, which varies from one media outlet to the next, I give each article a fair shake, not so much as a result … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Reading between the lines…

Rather you follow the Dallas Morning News online or Ft. Worth Star online, the recent Jerry Jones quote given in opening up training camp remains the same:  “My conversations with him,” Jones said, “have been more about making sure that he articulates to the staff and to coach … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Divisional Alignment

Football starved, I was just perusing through CBS Sports selection of online articles when I found the following useful tool:  If you are unable to visit the link, in short it is a display of the United States with all the various teams logo’s placed over their … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The Proprietary Blend

It’s that dreaded time of year where OTA’s have passed and Training Camp is less than two weeks away.   If you are reading this post, it is likely in the aftermath of your daily dose of the Dallas Cowboys online columnist, Dallas Morning News online, The Ft. Worth Star … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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The last time T.O. appears in a Headline…

…from me, at least. If you are like me, you are sick of hearing/reading about it, regardless if you were against or for his release.   In the beginning, I was against it.  I didn’t like his mouth.  I didn’t like his me first attitude.  But I was willing … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Sifting For Gold…

As an analogy, you could apply “sifting for gold” to quite a few different aspects of football. Free Agency. The building of the infamous war room draft board. Wittling the training camp roster from 80 to 53. But the one science of football that typically escapes the thoughts … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Hope Springs Into Furnace …

When identifying yourself as a Cowboy’s fan for the first time to someone who also is a Cowboy’s fan, the first question that typically come’s up is, “What did you think about them releasing T.O.?”  Beyond being genuinly interested in your perspective, there is an ulterior motive in that … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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