Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style

Kevin Brady

Home » Cowboys News » Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style

[tps_header]Fourteen years ago today, David Simon’s The Wire premiered on HBO. Immediately, the world was captivated by the intense storylines, intricate plots, loveable (and hate-able) characters, and overall incredible writing.

By now, if you haven’t heard about or watched The Wire, you must have lived under a rock for the better part of the last 15 years.

But I digress.

So you’re thinking, what in the world does The Wire have to do with the Dallas Cowboys?

I’m glad you asked! Here are some perfect parallels between current members of the Cowboys organization and some of our favorite characters from David Simon’s masterpiece.[/tps_header]

[tps_title]Jerry Jones: Avon Barksdale[/tps_title]

Cowboys Headlines - Barksdale, Stanfield...Jones? "The Wire," Cowboys Style 10Let’s start at the top. Jerry and Avon are similar in a ton of ways.

First off, they are both straight gangsters in their own right. Jerry bought the team and then immediately fired the only coach the Cowboys had ever known in Tom Landry. Landry is a legend and a personal hero of mine, but you have to admit that takes balls.

The real parallel comes with their attitudes towards threats. Avon immediately sends in the muscle when Marlo starts to take his corners, regardless of whatever peace Stringer strives for. He hates the fact that people question whether or not the Barksdales are still in charge when their product loses value and Marlo Stanfield starts to take over.

Jerry is the same way. He lives for the title of America’s Team. He strives everyday to make sure that the legacy and lure of the Cowboys name cannot be questioned. Similar to Avon, he goes against the better judgement of others at times and tries to “overpay” to make sure his dominance is understood.

So if Jerry is Avon, the owner who wants to make sure his name holds weight forever, then his son, Stephen Jones, must be Stringer Bell.

2 thoughts on “Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style”

  1. I love this so much. Great work, Kevin! A few more that I'd throw in there… Jason Garrett = Cedric Daniels (Straight-laced leaders who want to do things the right way.) Cole Beasley = Kima Greggs (Overcomes the physical odds to hang with the big boys.) Dan Bailey = Prop Joe (Never gets rattled.) Scandrick/Carr/Claiborne = Herc/Carver/Prezbo (Some major liability issues.) Some non-Cowboys, too…. Chip Kelly = Bunny Colvin (Disgraced after a failed experiment.) Eli Manning = Dukie (self-explanatory) Roger Goodell = Clay Davs (Everything that comes out of their mouth is "Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.")

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