Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style

Kevin Brady

[tps_title]The Offensive Line: The Muscle[/tps_title]

Cowboys Headlines - Barksdale, Stanfield...Jones? "The Wire," Cowboys Style 15Instead of including a slide for each player on the offensive line, I decided to group them all together collectively as “the muscle.” The Cowboys offensive line is well respected, rarely doubted, and always feared by their opponents.

Sounds like Slim Charles, Snoop, Chris Parlow, Wee-Bey, and Mike to me.

Yes, I realize that some of these characters serve as muscle for different kingpins, but imagine all five of them together, working as a single unit. They would never be stopped.

Anyone who even thought about using Marlo or Avon’s name the wrong way would be boarded up in one of those homes in a second.

That collective unit is pretty much what the Cowboys offensive line has become. Five guys who work together as a single unit to destroy anyone who is trying to get after their quarterback.

2 thoughts on “Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style”

  1. I love this so much. Great work, Kevin! A few more that I'd throw in there… Jason Garrett = Cedric Daniels (Straight-laced leaders who want to do things the right way.) Cole Beasley = Kima Greggs (Overcomes the physical odds to hang with the big boys.) Dan Bailey = Prop Joe (Never gets rattled.) Scandrick/Carr/Claiborne = Herc/Carver/Prezbo (Some major liability issues.) Some non-Cowboys, too…. Chip Kelly = Bunny Colvin (Disgraced after a failed experiment.) Eli Manning = Dukie (self-explanatory) Roger Goodell = Clay Davs (Everything that comes out of their mouth is "Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.")

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