Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style

Kevin Brady

[tps_title]Randy Gregory: Bubbles[/tps_title]

Cowboys Headlines - Barksdale, Stanfield...Jones? "The Wire," Cowboys Style 17We ALL love Randy Gregory, just like deep down we ALL loved Bubbles. You see the potential in both during so many moments, but they just keep getting high.

They can’t stop! Sometimes it’s sad to see, other times it’s frustrating, but they just can’t stop getting high.

Bubbles has a happy ending, however. He finally does stop getting high, but it takes an incredibly tragic circumstance for him to get clean.

Maybe Gregory’s latest suspension is his “accidentally murdered my best friend and then attempted suicide in the interrogation room” moment, and he can finally turn the corner and become the player we expect him to be.

Just like Bubbles became the man we all knew he could be.

2 thoughts on “Barksdale, Stanfield… Jones? “The Wire,” Cowboys Style”

  1. I love this so much. Great work, Kevin! A few more that I'd throw in there… Jason Garrett = Cedric Daniels (Straight-laced leaders who want to do things the right way.) Cole Beasley = Kima Greggs (Overcomes the physical odds to hang with the big boys.) Dan Bailey = Prop Joe (Never gets rattled.) Scandrick/Carr/Claiborne = Herc/Carver/Prezbo (Some major liability issues.) Some non-Cowboys, too…. Chip Kelly = Bunny Colvin (Disgraced after a failed experiment.) Eli Manning = Dukie (self-explanatory) Roger Goodell = Clay Davs (Everything that comes out of their mouth is "Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.")

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