Bill was Too tough & Wade is Soft!

Bryson Treece

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To put it mildly, this team is not very good! Three straight games with average effort, no offensive intensity, and the worst special teams unit in the game! This team continues to carry its “Awe shucks” mentality into every game, and if not for a couple of plays loses the last three! My patience is growing very thin with this coaching staff, and players. There is only one thing worse than losing, and that is losing and acting like you do not give a shit! The laid back persona that Wade Phillips has obviously passed on to the rest of this team (minus a handful of players T.O. D-Ware) is f**king sickening!

The defense played their hearts out Sunday, Arizona has an explosive offense and they manned up and held them to 17 points. I would assume that if you asked anyone at Valley Ranch last week what they thought their chances would have been against the Cardinals if the defense only gave up 17 points. I bet they would have been extremely excited about their chances. Now do not get me wrong they did not play a perfect game, the poor tackling problem is still there, but they played with a fire and I will take that every game. Brian Stewart allowed the defensive backs to man up for a large portion of the game and this helped. We need more of this style of tempo, guys flying around they did a real good job with this in the first half but seemed to back off a little in the second half. Why? I wish I could explain this but I have no answers. There are two areas that are costing this team to become an average football team; SPECIAL TEAMS and this BULLSHIT OFFENSE we continue to run week in and week out! Now I understand that our wide receiver core is not the strongest in the league, but COME ON! Either they are just awful or the routes Princeton boy has them running are the most slow developing routes ever! What happened to attacking the middle of the field? Every week I hear every announcer on every sports channel talk about how there is no one better running after the catch than T.O. So why is it that we continue to have him run 20 yard routes, with a double move involved? Oh by the way the token reverse to T.O. needs to be put up for a while. I think it’s pretty obvious by now that T.O. is going to be played with a bump at the line and a safety up top, so how do you beat that? Well for starters you can start by moving him around. Line him up in the slot, have him moving in motion, Hell take a play from the Longhorns and line him up at tight end ( Jordan Shipley) Why is this offense reacting to what the other team is doing? Why are they not forcing the other team to react to what the Boys are doing?

I will go ahead and get this started as well, FIRE BRUCE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This special teams unit is AWFUL! I have seen better special teams play at the Junior High level, they are completely unorganized, have no idea of where they should be, and cannot tackle. In case any of you did not know this BOBBY CARPENTER f**KING SUCKS! And should be cut immediately! I do not care who you hire but Bruce Read must go! The special team’s coordinator position is obviously way over his head.

Now knowing we are without Tony “I hold on to the ball too long” Romo for 4 weeks, they better get a handle on these issues or we are in for a LONG, LONG year! However sounds like somebody (wade Phillips) got their ass chewed out today for being so “awe shucks” after a loss!