Bobby Belt: “The Guy That Needs to Have the Biggest Game on Sunday is Scott Linehan”

Sean Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Bobby Belt: “The Guy That Needs to Have the Biggest Game on Sunday is Scott Linehan”

On today’s Cowboys Cast, host Bobby Belt put the pressure on offensive play caller Scott Linehan – picking him as the most important Cowboy to watch tonight in New Orleans.

The loss to the Falcons is well behind this team, and Linehan’s abandoning of the running game during the second half has been well documented. However, fans are just as tired of his predictable short passing game.

As Bobby said earlier in the show, “this Brandon Weeden experiment can’t be too long for this world”. Linehan needs to figure out what exactly he has from Weeden – sooner rather than later – and rely on him to throw the ball downfield.

Terrance Williams cannot be invisible, and should have his chance to excel against the Saints’ secondary. New Orleans leads the league in explosive plays allowed.

Linehan may not have Dez Bryant to dial-up, but still has a number of weapons including Brice Butler and Gavin Escobar. The lights will be on tonight in the Superdome (hopefully for a full four quarters) and one of these guys will need to make a play.

This is a crucial game for the Cowboys, as they look to go to 3-1 before returning home to host the Patriots.

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