Boys vs. Cincy Offensive review

Lee Pierce

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This game should have been a blowout…It started out pretty well. With M.B III and Felix both showcasing their different yet punishing running styles. Felix = f**king Fast. M.B. III = A Beast. I love watching these guys play together two completely different backs who both can get you 6 on any play. This week we ran the ball 27 more times than last week. HMMM. When you have explosive running backs good things happen when you give them the ball. What a freaking coincidence. I think the further we go into the season the more we will rely on the running game in tight contests, and I am O.K with that.

Romo, Romo, Romo…… He must have gotten kicked out of the bedroom and forced to sleep on the couch or something. Jessica must be f**king with his head. It’s gotta be Jessica right? wrong. I pray that he is just in some kind of “at least 1 retarded turnover per game” slump. Well I hope that shit ends real soon. I can’t handle him throwing into triple coverage and getting picked off every game. It’s gotta stop. Just calm down and play the game that made you a rich happy man, and got you a smoking hot girlfriend.

I mean you can only say “Jeez” and “Heck” so many times in a press conference when asked about your turnovers.Well enough of that…. It was a win and I will take them anyway we can get them. I just think Cowboys fans all over are ready for a blowout where Romo goes 25/30 for 400 yards and 4 TD’s. Is that asking too much? He has the tools all he has to do is use them wisely!

Tony RomoT.O. is just a weird dude. His post game press conference was one for another YouTube video montage posted by some f**king Yankee ass Giants fan. Just wait it will happen. The receivers had a pretty decent game. T.O. burned the entire secondary on his long TD run. You can only hold him down so long and the one play you let up a little bit, he knocks your ass out. Patty Crayton made a great heads up play on the intended pass to Miles Austin. Witten blocked really well as always. And yes I would take Witten over any tight end in the league.

He is so consistent every game and is always a good guy to get the ball to in big 3rd down situations.

Next week @ Arizona should be a good game to work out some kinks in the offense and really get firing on all cylinders. We need to take it to the Card’s so all these jack ass “anal cysts” I mean analyst will shut up about the freaking “drama” in Dallas. WE ARE 4-1! It’s not like were losing every game like the resident Texans!!!

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