Can Orton beat the Eagles?

Leif Johnston

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Just a day after Tony Romo led the offense down the field with a 94 yard game winning drive. The worst news possible came out of Dallas, “Romo out for the season.” As Tony was evading pressure late in the game, he tweaked his back but remained in to finally hook up with running back DeMarco Murray to send the Cowboys into a win or go home game against the Eagles next Sunday nightie Dallas. This isn’t the first issue Romo has had with his back. He underwent offseason back surgery after last season. He had this to say after the game about his injury, “I tweaked it in the game and then for whatever reason then, the twist or whatever it was, definitely just made it not feel comfortable.”

Being a Cowboys fan you learn to expect devastating news like this late in the season. But at this point there is nothing to do but look forward. The only other active QB for the Cowboys is nine year veteran Kyle Orton who has seen limited time this season. The question is, can he be ready by Sunday night to go toe to toe with one of the hottest teams in the league right now? Orton isn’t considered a gunslinger by any means but his best attribute will be game management. He won’t make the spectacular plays we are accustom of seeing out of Romo, but he is fully capable of making throws to move the chains.

I don’t see the Cowboys making it past the first round, but don’t count them out against the Eagles. If we have learned anything over the past three weeks it is that backup quarterbacks are capable of leading their teams to victory. The running game will be key, and the way Murray ran this past week there should still be hope in Big D. This weeks preparation will be the most important all season, Orton and his talented squad of receivers will have to be on the same page. The playbook will probably have to be cut down, but that might not be such a bad thing. When JG out-thinks himself, is when the offense gets into a bind.

Tony_RomoIt’s hard to say right now, just what Romo’s injury is. But the only thing to do at this point is to move forward with Orton. It will be interesting to see how many of the “Romo haters” will be wishing for him back after this week.


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