Captain Ass Bag Squeaks By

Lee Pierce

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Well it wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t even close to pretty. Actually I would call it a Jr High “B” team performance. BUT IT WAS A WIN! This game was won entirely by the defense. It was nice to see some true emotion and heart from these guys, they could have easily given up like last week but I think they realized that it’s a lot better when your winning. Looking up and down the sideline I saw guys pumping each other up and not just sitting on the bench drinking Gatorade. It was a nice surprise since I was worried on how the Boys would come out and play. Captain Ass Bag is still horrible, under throwing, over throwing, flat out not throwing the ball most of the game. I really hope Romo is back and healthy soon. By the way it was nice to see the offense getting Roy Williams involved! The G men are probably going to come into this game thinking they have it won, well BRING IT ON ELISHA!