The Catch: Focus On Something Else, Cowboys Media

Walter Yeates

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Odell Beckham’s catch [Video Link], we saw it.

Eli Manning threw a perfectly placed ball and Beckham made a spectacular one-handed grab. Of course it was an amazing play that will live in Sunday Night Football lore for the entirety of the NFL’s existence.

With that being said, you would not expect the Dallas Cowboys media to spend more than two minutes questioning Brandon Carr because of that play going into the Regular Season. Along with other articles that hyped up the catch, there was an entire offseason to ask him about the catch and talk about it.

This is a new season, it really is time to move on.

Carr finished last season on a high note and the Cowboys will need him to continue to play well, especially with the loss of Orlando Scandrick.

To his credit, Carr handled the situation perfectly stating, “We talking about one play again? Oh my gosh,” after Dallas Cowboys Staff Writer Nick Eatman asked a follow-up question about the incident.

It does seem more of a national media topic, rather than one you would expect the local journalists to continue on about.

Of bigger concern is the health of Brandon Carr’s hand. Hopefully nothing flares up there during the game, leaving the team without him manning the Left Corner Back position. It would be poetic justice if Carr did create a turnover on Sunday night.

Which team won that game again?

That’s right. It was the Dallas Cowboys…