Cole Beasley Celebrating After Devastating Loss To Green Bay

Brian Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Cole Beasley Celebrating After Devastating Loss To Green Bay

Like many of us, the Dallas Cowboys are still coping with the devastating loss to the Green Bay Packers last night in the Divisional Round of the 2017 playoffs.

The heartache felt around Cowboys Nation is real and the only thing that can help the situation now is time. Time to reflect, time to regroup, and time to heal.

For some of us the time to heal from this heartache will be almost instantaneous, but for others it will stay with us until we can find something positive to replace the hurt we are all suffering from.

For Cole Beasley, that healing process started today when he announced via his Twitter account that the birth of his second child has him replacing some of the hurt with joy.

Personally, I can’t even imagine the wide range of emotions that all of the Dallas Cowboys players are going through a day after all of their dreams for the season abruptly ended with the devastating defeat at the hands of the Green Bay Packers. But, for Cole Beasley, there is probably nothing better than a new addition to the family to help fix any kind of hurt left over from the way the season ended for him and his teammates.

As fans, I think we sometimes forget that these players have a personal life outside of the game of football. Beasley’s tweet helps put things in perspective for all of us and should provide a little bit of evidence of what we all should focus on a little more, family.

There is no doubt in my mind that this Dallas Cowboys team is a family and will rally around one another to bounce back and pick up where they left off when the 2017 season gets underway.

Of course, there’s work to do between now and then, but I think everyone is up to the  challenge of making this team great.

But for now, I want to personally congratulate one of my favorite Dallas Cowboys, Cole Beasley, and his family on the new addition to their family.

Congratulations from all of us here at Inside The Star!

If you would like to personally congratulate Cole Beasley and his family, feel free to Tweet him at @Bease11.