Connect Four: Dak Prescott To Dez Bryant Connection

Brian Martin

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Growing up one of the best ways we learned things was by playing games. Games help to teach us how to strategize and compete with one another in a fun and interactive  environment.

It usually begins with playing peekaboo as babies and the games tend to increase in difficulty and competitiveness as we get older.

Weather permitting, how many days did you spend outside playing hide and seek, tag, or some other outside game growing up?

Cowboys Headlines - Connect Four: Dak Prescott To Dez Bryant Connection 2If you are anything like me, you spent a large part of your childhood outside playing some type of game. Of course, that probably changed when you were old enough to join a team and play organized sports.

Having said all that, there are some games that will forever stand the test of time and are probably considered classics by a lot of us. Games such as Candyland, Sorry, Battleship, and you might even throw Connect Four into that conversation.

For the sake of this article, I want to focus on the game Connect Four, because I think it pertains to the Dallas Cowboys and in particular Dak Prescott and Dez Bryant.

I know what you are probably thinking, but hang in there and I’ll explain what I’m getting at.

The game Connect Four is a two player game, in which both players try to connect four of their discs in a row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on a 6 x 7 vertical grid. This game is all about strategy and trying to outthink your opponent.

Ring a bell?

The game Connect Four popped into my head last week while watching the Dallas Cowboys play the New York Giants.

I made the connection in large part due to the fact that Dak Prescott wears the No. 4  jersey and the coaching staff’s strategy to connect Prescott and Dez Bryant seemed a little safe/conservative.Cowboys Headlines - Connect Four: Dak Prescott To Dez Bryant Connection 1

Do you like how I tied the game Connect Four to the on-field connection between Prescott and Bryant? Clever…Too much of a reach?

Hey, give me a break. It’s not always easy coming up with things to write about, but now every time Prescott completes a pass to a wide receiver you’re going to think about Connect Four. Maybe, just maybe it catches on.

“Dak Prescott to Dez Bryant, another Connect Four!”

Okay, maybe not but a guy can hope. Right?

One thing’s for sure, we all want to see the chemistry or connection between Dak Prescott and Dez Bryant improve. Maybe it’s just something that will take a little time, or it could be that Scott Linehan needs to come up with a different strategy to provide better opportunities for the two players to connect.

To target arguably your best playmaker on the offensive side of the ball only five times and to have him finish with just one measly catch for 8 yards is unacceptable.

If you consider the fact that nearly all of those targets were low percentage passes it’s even more concerning. Linehan has to improve the connection between Bryant and Prescott by calling more high percentage passes to help build the chemistry between the two players.

Personally, I would like to see more slants, crossing routes, and maybe even some back shoulder throws to Dez Bryant. Hopefully that is what we will see happen against the Redskins this Sunday.


Cowboys Headlines - Connect Four: Dak Prescott To Dez Bryant ConnectionTo close things out, how about a little 2 player math about #4 Dak Prescott and #88 Dez Bryant.

88÷4 = 22

22÷2 = 11

Explanation: It’s important to remember that Dez Bryant 88 and Dak Prescott 4 are just two of the athletes that make up the 22 total players on the field for both offense and defense, hence the equation 88÷4 = 22.

When you split the total players on the field into 2 units (offense and defense) you get the total number of players on each side of the ball, hence the equation 22÷2 = 11.

It takes the entire 11 players functioning as a cohesive unit to become successful, not just two individual players. So, maybe we should focus less on the Dez Bryant and Dak Prescott connection and look at the big picture of things a little more.

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