Cowboys At Eagles: 5 Bold Predictions

RJ Ochoa

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I like to think that everyone else is like me in that we all have seasonal things in life. By that I mean there are certain movies I like to watch, songs that I enjoy listening to, and things that I feel at a certain time of the year.

Earlier this week I dropped a reference to Jonathan Larson’s Rent when I pounded the table that Jason Garrett is 2016’s Coach of the Year. This is a musical that this time of year reminds me of, so the soundtrack is in my music-I-listen-to-while-I-write rotation at the moment (Tango: Maurren is currently blasting through my headphones).

If you’ve never seen this production, you’ve likely heard the reference I made in the Garrett post – 525,600 minutes. This is how many times that the second hand on a clock rotates across a given year. I remember when I first heard that I thought, “There’s no way! There’s surely more than that many minutes in a year.” Nope, that’s the exact number.

When Dallas kicks off against Philadelphia tomorrow it will mark 524,160 (this was a leap year) minutes since their first official contest of the year… which came on January 3rd, 2016. That day the Kellen Moore-led Cowboys lost in their final game of the season to a Washington Redskins team already wearing the NFC East Crown.

524,160 minutes later it is our crown, our top seed in the NFC, and our home-field advantage on the way to the Super Bowl. In that span the Cowboys became the world’s most-valuable sports team, opened their new facility appropriately named The Star, and oh yea drafted Ezekiel Elliott and Dak Prescott. It’s amazing how much can happen in a year.

While we all hope and believe that there’s far more left in the 2016 season, the rest of it will take place in 2017. It’s been an incredible ride, and today is a good day to reminisce on all that took place across it. Let’s finish this year off in style, and let’s have a whole lot of fun doing it. Welcome to my 5 Bold Predictions. Let’s roll.

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Mark Sanchez Tops 200 Yards And Gets Ultimate Revenge On Philadelphia

Mark SanchezWhen you’re talking about meaningless games – yes, this is a meaningless one – you have to get a little crazier than normal with bold predictions. This game is so difficult to measure to any degree because we don’t know how much certain players will or won’t play.

Here’s what we do know: Mark Sanchez used to play for the Eagles, the Eagles are the worst, and sometimes epic things happen for no reason. Mark Sanchez looking like a stud in Philadelphia a season after they traded him away is a dish that I think we’d all sign up to eat. Give it to us, Marky Mark. Do your thing.

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Carson Wentz Throws A Pass That’s Deemed A Backwards Lateral And Recovered By Dallas

Carson Wentz, EaglesRemember the rule today, friends! Get crazier than normal.

The same way that epic things sometimes happen, sometimes a firestorm of gross is inescapable for you… this is every single day of life for Philadelphia Eagles fans. Remember the days when Carson Wentz was actually compared to Dak Prescott? Oh world, you’re so silly!

Look, Carson Wentz looks to have all the makings of a potential franchise quarterback; but, Carson Wentz has also looked a little Matt Cassel-ish (what a crazy world that he’s starting an NFL game this week, too!) at times in his rookie campaign. Close your eyes and imagine this with me… Carson tries to throw a screen pass, it hits the ground, Philadelphia just stands there, Byron Jones falls on it as an astute-minded person, Jason Garrett challenges, we win it, life is awesome. Book it!

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Dan Bailey Does Not Get Called For A Personal Foul

Dan Bailey, EaglesRemember the rule – GET CRAZY!

The last time that the Dallas Cowboys traveled to Philadelphia, Dan Bailey legitimately got called for a personal foul. This happened because the former Cowboy DeMarco Murray was a tad bit sensitive, and couldn’t handle such greatness touching him.

We all know that Dan Bailey is one of the baddest dudes to ever inhabit this big blue marble that we call home, but we didn’t know how much fear he put into the Philadelphia Eagles until last year. I’ve never wanted to be wrong about a bold prediction more than this one.

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The Eagles Fail Miserably On A Fake Punt

EaglesFor some teams – the bad ones – this isn’t a meaningless game. Hi, Eagles!

Teams in the position of Philadelphia, the position being the bottom, are soaking every last second of this game as it is the last time their team will play one until September of 2017. When you’re in that position, you have to try and find ways to keep yourself entertained.

In an effort to build camaraderie, the Eagles are going to try some silly things… like a fake punt. Remember though, that a year ago when these teams met on this very field that the Cowboys blocked an Eagles punt.

Bring it on, Eagles. We dare ya.

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Jason Witten Becomes The All-Time Leading Receiver In Dallas Cowboys History

Jason Witten, EaglesThis is part of the whole “get crazy” mentality, trust me.

Jason Witten is likely going to get very minimal playing time in Philadelphia. If we’re being honest with ourselves, it’s very likely that he won’t get the 27 yards that he needs to pass Michael Irvin in order to become the all-time leading receiver in Dallas Cowboys History.

This is why saying that Witten will do it is bold… it goes against the grains of logic. Witten has had some of his finest moments as a Dallas Cowboy in Philadelphia, so it would be a bit sweet to set such a record in a house that he owns.

Go get it, Wit. Gold Jacket Wit!

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Bonus Bold Predictions

Here are this week’s contributions, thanks to all those who shared!

Remember, if you want YOUR Bold Prediction featured here, tweet it at me! It’s that simple!