Cowboys Backup QB Battle: Kellen Moore Vs. Luke McCown

Brian Martin

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I don’t know about a lot of you, but I feel little bit relieved that Luke McCown is now in the mix to become the Dallas Cowboys backup QB in 2017. He will get the chance to push and compete against Kellen Moore to prove his worth, which has a lot of Cowboys Nation looking forward to see how the Cowboys backup QB situation shakes out.

There is certainly no shortage of position battles to pay attention to throughout the remainder of training camp and preseason, but the Cowboys backup QB position should definitely be at the top of the list. Backup QBs play an important role that a lot of us don’t fully understand. They not only have to be ready at the drop of a hat, but they are also mentors, especially for young players such as Dak Prescott.

Both Kellen Moore and Luke McCown are capable enough to become the Cowboys backup QB this season, but for different reasons. Let’s dive into that a little deeper and try to figure out who might be the best backup for the upcoming season.

Kellen MooreKellen Moore has been the de facto backup QB since Tony Romo’s retirement. But, to bring in a veteran QB like Luke McCown cast a little bit of doubt from the Cowboys regarding Moore’s standing with the team. Everything should and probably will be reevaluated from this time on.

Kellen Moore has the trust of offensive coordinator Scott Linehan and the experience in his system, which probably gives him an advantage over McCown. But unfortunately he doesn’t have a lot of game experience. The lack of game experience is concerning, but no more so then the fact that he is possibly just one hit away from an injury because of his size.

Both he and Tony Romo contributed to helping out Dak Prescott through his rookie season, which means there’s already an established working relationship. That would also indicate that #17 has an advantage to become the Cowboys backup QB. But, don’t count out a savvy veteran backup like Luke McCown.

McCown didn’t decide to sign with the Cowboys to become a “camp arm” to help them through training camp and preseason. He came here with the mindset that he can become the Cowboys backup QB this season and unseat the previously unchallenged Kellen Moore.

At 36, McCown certainly isn’t a spring chicken anymore. But, he has been able to survive over a decade in the NFL as a backup QB. In that time his has been able to soak up a lot of knowledge and game experience. He knows what it takes to be a backup QB in the NFL and how to help mentor younger players.

McCown’s veteran experience is an enticing quality that might be too much to pass up. This is especially true when you consider that head coach Jason Garrett usually gravitates towards these types of players when it comes to the backup QB position. But, he is going to have his work cut out for him if he wants to beat out Kellen Moore.

I personally like Luke McCown’s experience, but I can see why a lot of people like Kellen Moore too. There is no way of knowing right now how this will turn out, which makes it a position battle worth following.

Who will be the Cowboys backup QB in 2017?

6 thoughts on “Cowboys Backup QB Battle: Kellen Moore Vs. Luke McCown”

  1. Brian: I think McCown is likely to just be a camp arm in 2017 for the following reasons: 1) K Moore is designated to get the 2nd team reps and 2nd team playing time in preseason games. He is ready and knows the offense/playbook intimately. McCown will get the 3rd or 4th team reps and 3rd or 4th team playing time in preseason games. 2) McCown will have to go through a learning curve concerning the Dallas offense/playbook/game plans/knowing Linehan/etc. that will take some time. He probably won’t be ready to be considered for 2nd team until some time during the season, 3) the speculation is that Dallas will probably only keep two QBs on the 53 man roster which will mean McCown is cut after the preseason. If they keep three QBs than McCown may get a chance at 2nd team but probably in 2018 not 2017. How would K Moore lose his 2nd team position sitting on the bench during the season?, 4) I expect K Moore to do well in preseason play. He should be very ready at this point and this is his only time to prove what he can do. McCown could do well also but it will be at 3rd or 4th team. K Moore will really have to start screwing up big time, which isn’t likely for any other QB to get a shot at 2nd team QB.

    In terms of K Moore not being a veteran, that is not what S Linehan has said. He said K Moore even though he has not played much, is like having a veteran because of all his knowledge and ability to know exactly what to do without a lot of reps. In terms of experience K Moore has a lot of total experience for someone who has only played in three NFL season games, because of studying, practicing and playing QB since he could walk, because he was in a constant football environment growing up. This probably has something to do with his ability to play instinctively.

    • Yes, I did. But, at the same time the Cowboys didn’t really have another option and we were all waiting to see Tony Romo was going to come back and be reinserted as a starter.

      • Yeah, you can’t really throw in Dak as an example of anything. He broke up all kinds of conventional wisdom.

  2. I respect any player’s desire to think and act competitively, but I don’t see McCown being looked to/ at in any way to supplant K. Moore. Maybe more like and insurance policy? If Moore were to do just awful in preseason, then sure, there would be some justified noise. But do I see that happening? No. Moore kept getting better in 2015, knows the playbook, the players and has a working “rhythm” with the offense. He is described as very accurate (yes, he made mistakes in 2015) and his timing is amazing (i.e. yesterday’s “play of the day” with Brown). Even Mr. Broaddus, who isn’t a big Moore fan, talks about his “perfect timing” and “sweet throw to so and so” as he recaps the practices. Moore has been described as a guy who is cool under pressure -preseason is not going to stumble him Indeed, it is not a reach at all to say this preseason will see him play remarkably well. Again, I respect every guy who actually gets in the arena and risks it all, so good luck to McCown being at and doing his best. However, I believe this preseason sees Moore silencing his critics-the sane ones at least, big time.

    • I’m hoping Kellen Moore comes out and performs really well. But, at the same time I don’t think it hurts that the Cowboys now have another option to back up Prescott. Luke McCown wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t think he was getting an honest shot to compete.

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