Should the Cowboys Break the Bank for Dez Bryant?

Brian Leatherman

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the Dez Bryant contract situation as of late. Actually, I wrote a piece over the summer on Dez and his contract.

Some of the reasons I was for it has come up this season, and some of the reasons I would be against breaking the bank for him have been coming up as well.

I’ve went back and forth on this situation, and I’ve finally come to a decision on what I would do if I was handling the Dez Bryant contract situation – I would let him walk, IF he isn’t willing to work with the team.

Not a popular opinion I’m sure, and many people may have stopped reading after that, but it’s my decision and I’m sticking to it.

But please, hear me out as to why I wouldn’t break the bank to keep Dez Bryant. But before I do, I do want to say I don’t like how Dez keeps talking about the contract in the media. Yes, I know he keeps getting asked about it but he’s becoming a little cockier with his answers, in my opinion.

While he was with Eugene Parker – his former agent – Dez wouldn’t say a whole lot about the contract situation besides, “It will all work itself out” or something of that nature.

But since he hooked up with Jay Z and his crew, he’s been a little more vocal about the contract situation. And he said something the other day, which kind of rubbed me the wrong way. While doing an interview about his contract he was quoted as saying, “I’m a loyal guy, but don’t test my loyalty.”

Hmmm, not sure how to take that.

That seems like a back-handed threat to me. Also, I’m kind of confused on his comments, “it isn’t about the money, it’s about respect.”

So I guess if the Jones’ don’t offer him $50 million guaranteed on a 10 year contract for over $120 million then they don’t respect you? Yeah, don’t hand me that crap!

You don’t feel respected unless you get all that cash. Just say it’s about the money and stop with the B.S..

It’s always about the money; I don’t care what any player says, from any sport.

It’s Always About The Money.

But, in saying that, Dez saying all that isn’t the reason I would let Dez walk if he doesn’t work with team on a contract that’s good for both sides.

First and foremost, I wouldn’t put all my eggs in one basket.

This team has made so many mistakes going down that road before. Jerry & Stephen have offered big contracts to the wrong positions throughout the years; the latest being Brandon Carr. No disrespect intended for B.C. but he will never live up to the contract he signed to come here and honestly? He hasn’t played anywhere close to the contract he signed.

I’m not saying Dez wouldn’t live up to some huge top 5 WR contract, because Dez is a top 5 wide receiver in today’s game, but my biggest concern is what about the other needs on this team?

Think about this for a second: Sean Lee, Anthony Hitchens, and Kyle Wilber are the only linebackers under contract who would get big playing time for the Cowboys next season. Bruce Carter, Justin Durant (Who – by the way – Rod Marinelli called the league’s best kept secret) and Rolando McClain will all be free agents.

I love Sean Lee, but we know he always seems to have something go wrong. Anthony Hitchens could be a star in the making, and Kyle Wilber is a solid player. But that’s not the three I want to see as the linebacker crew for this team.

Henry Melton has returned to pro bowl form. I shouldn’t have to tell you how important a pass rush is to a defense but I will say this; I think the push up the middle into a QBs face is the biggest factor to a pass rush.

He shouldn’t get the $9 million he is supposed to get if kept, however I feel like he should get something close to that number.

Also let’s not forget about a certain player that goes by the name of DeMarco Murray.

Dez Bryant wants to get paid and Murray wants to get paid. Can you pay both players what they want? I don’t think it can happen. Both guys are going to want top money for their positions.

Oh, we also have Dwayne Harris closing in on his last days of his rookie contract. Harris is one of those guys that does all the dirty work. He’s by far the best run blocker out of all the WRs and he’s an underrated punt returner and wide receiver.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing more I would like to see than Dez Bryant to remain a Dallas Cowboy for the rest of his career. But if it’s going to put this team in the type of financial situation known all to well in Dallas in recent years, then I’ll have to pass.

I listed quite a few names where that big money could be spread out to, and I would much rather have to replace one great player, instead of struggling to replace 4 or 5 really good players.