Cowboys Cast Ep23: Cami Griffin, Patrik Walker & Bobby Belt Preview Cowboys at Eagles

Bobby Belt

Home » Cowboys News » Cowboys Cast Ep23: Cami Griffin, Patrik Walker & Bobby Belt Preview Cowboys at Eagles

This week on Cowboys Cast Radio:

  • What did we learn from the Cowboys/Giants game? Cami Griffin and Pat Walker from CTC Sports join Bobby to discuss.
  • How do the numerous injuries from last Sunday’s game impact the team moving forward? Bobby, Cami, and Pat break it down.
  • What can we expect from the Cowboys/Eagles game on Sunday? CowboysCast has you covered with a preview and predictions.

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You can follow today’s hosts on Twitter:

Bobby Belt –
Cami Ann Griffin –
Patrik Walker –

You can check out CTC Sports at for more Cowboys analysis by Cami and Pat, and be sure to also visit Inside The Star on Twitter at

Let’s Go Cowboys!!!