Cowboys Cast Is Moving Right Along

Bobby Belt

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And we’re off

Cowboys Cast is a new venture, as some of you may have guessed by now, and it’s been a lot of fun getting everything set up. From the website and show URLs and official email accounts to all of the social media strategy and designing graphics. Don’t get me wrong, aside from the set up work, most of that is far from finished, it’s just that now it’s becoming time to get into the weekly groove.

I know Bobby, Josh and Jared are ready, and I’m catching up a bit here and there with all of that other stuff.

Episode 2 airs this Sunday, April 19, 2015 and it’s shaping up to be a beast of a show!

What’s in store for episode #2?

We’ll discuss some of the sleeper options the Cowboys have in this month’s NFL draft, and the team’s roster needs right now and in the near future. But to start things off we’re expecting the newly acquired Dallas Cowboys linebacker Andrew Gachkar for an exclusive interview on his move to Dallas and what’s ahead.

We’re really proud to have Mr. Gachkar join us. If you’re on Twitter, make sure to give him a follow at @theGACH.

Look for us on Sunday

Don’t forget, the show will be available via SoundCloud this Sunday afternoon around 2-3 pm CST. And of course, we’ll have links updated on this site, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Tumblr so you can receive your updates where you want them.

You can get to our Sound Cloud profile by going to

Enjoy the show!