Cowboys Come Unraveled, Who Gets The Finger?

Bryson Treece

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Sunday night in Arlington, Texas was supposed to be the grand opening of the greatest NFL stadium, and it was supposed to open with the Cowboys dismantling the New York Giants.

Unfortunately for us the fans and the Cowboys, things did not go as planned! So there must be someone or some people to blame right?

There are plenty of people to blame for this loss, but the finger should be pointed first and foremost at one Tony Romo!

This was by far the worst game I have ever seen him play. From the beginning he looked out of sync, and out of rhythm. Everyone will have an opinion on why, but I do not want to hear it! NO EXCUSES!

The Dallas Cowboys are not a bad football team, but they are not a contending team at this point in the season.

Tony Romo if he was not already has firmly planted his butt onto the “Hot Seat”. There is but only two ways off of that seat.

  1. Simply continue to make the same stupid plays that have plagued him his first 3 years in league, and find himself in a different uniform.
  2. Step up to the challenge, and accept nothing but perfection from himself, and lead this team.

Tony is a very likable guy, an extraordinary athlete, and the leader of the Dallas Cowboys. It is time for him to act like it!

The second person on the list of many is one that I did not see coming. Orlando Scandrick! I thought last year and heading into this year was the better of the two DB draft picks. Orlando absolutely got his ass handed to him on Sunday night.

The performance he put in on Sunday night was down right pitiful. The best comparison of his performance that I can give is to one of a Matador.

Not only was he not physical with the Giants, he looked lost and scared! We have heard all through Training camp about his “Head Knocking” prowess (just ask Roy Williams) yet when it was his chance to prove his worth in his first start, he looked like the fat kid in fifth grade that everyone picked on.

The Dallas Cowboys better change there outlook at that position and they better change it quick! Mike Jenkins is by far and away the better of the two, not only on draft status, but more importantly by his on field actions.

Through two games Mike Jenkins has heavily outplayed Orlando Scandrick, and after the performance Sunday night his confidence is shaken, and a confidence lacking corner is not what this team needs right now.

The third and final finger that I am going to point is at none other than Terrence Newman. T-New is the mentor to both Jenkins and Scandrick, let’s just hope they do not watch the film on Newman.

T-New looked slow, and on more than one occasion Lost! How you get lost in man coverage I have no idea but he was able to accomplish that feat with very little effort. Is there a Hamstring issue we were not privy to?

I have not seen T-New play that poorly since the Washington game last year when he was playing on a hurt hammy. Hopefully his play Sunday night was just an anomaly.

I am forcing myself to stay away from the edge of the cliff, after all it is only week two, but many things must change and they must change quickly.

This team played very stupid and sloppy and that is not going to get it done. The only difference between the Cowboys play on Sunday and their play at the end of last season is at least now they are not publicly making excuses! Well at least we got that going for us.

Who are you pointing the finger at?

13 thoughts on “Cowboys Come Unraveled, Who Gets The Finger?”

  1. honestly my friend, it doesn’t matter who gets the blame, the games over with. What we should be focusing on is who will step up and make the plays next week to keep us on track. For that my finger points to
    4 people. Bradie James, Demarcus Ware, Tony Romo, and Marion Barber. Those are our guys and those are the people that will deliver us results next week.

  2. Well there is the problem! tired of hearing about “next week” been hearing that crap for years now. Time the boys put their freaking work boots on and went to work! Obviously making them feel good about themselves even when they lose is not working, think its about time I started telling them what I really think about there effort.

  3. Yea but what is it going to prove? is it going to prove that we, fans who aren’t playing the game, are disappointed? guess what? they probably already know. You tell me the problem is hearing about ‘next week” but guess what bro, it’s all we got, all we can do is express what we may think needs improvement. I choose to be an optimist, because they know they screwed up. We as fans need to stop being so judgmental and perhaps a little more understanding. After all, we’re not professional athletes.

    • Seriously I started a blog about the Cowboys so that I had a place to vent when my team failed and a place to celebrate victory. I have been down a long and winding road with this team for 36 years, I believe I have earned the right to call them “sorry no good for nothings” when I feel that way. Do not confuse me with a bandwagon fan! I will still be here no matter what they do, but I will voice my opinion. I understand that “it’s just week two” but this crap needs to get fixed before we are saying “its only week 9”. What makes me angry about the whole thing is to watch guys continually make the same stupid mistakes over and over again. Everyone makes mistakes! making mistakes is what teaches us, but if you do not learn from your mistakes and then correct them so that it does not happen again, then well… you are a dumbass! and that is the path that Romo and the gang are traveling down.

      • Coaching makes all the difference in the world. I also question Wade Phillips ability to lead this team to the Super Bowl. The talent is there obviously the leadership is not. This team is so talented though that you would think that someone would step up to the plate even if the coach can’t. I don’t think I have ever seen Romo place a worse game. The mistakes were so bad that you wonder if someone wasn’t bought off. I have been a big fan of these guys for many years. It would be wonderful to see some people show back up like Landry, Staubach, or Aikman. These guys played & coached with heart. They were not just competitors, they were good men. I would like to see some of the kind of ability & character that those guys displayed in some of the people on the team now. I don’t think you can blame any one person for what happened against the Giants, but a team with this type of talent that beat their rival in almost every statistic, but still managed to lose the game has something severly wrong.

  4. From my viewpoint: It does not matter how talented a team may be, you must have competent & disciplined coaching applied to the mix and that is just not happened since Jimmy Johnson left and consequently you can see for yourself the difference.

    I sincerely believe this Cowboy roster is talented as the 90’s Cowboys collectively, maybe you don’t have three H.O.F.’ers right now, but the potential certainly is there and that is why many from all over are shaking their heads in confusion.

    The answer? Get a real N.F.L. coach! Get one that understands that a disciplined team is a team that will not melt when the heat is on during a big division game. Put a wall of no return behind these ‘Boys back and tell them you either produce or get off my field as Jimmy would have done.

    The reason items of refinement hold up when used is that they have been put through the refining fire before they are used, this team foolishly isn’t even allowed to tackle in many instances in camp. A team that tackles is a team that is prepared and I don’t want to hear about preventing injury, the main reason injuries come is from lack of preparation. Say bye to Wade Phillips, he will never lead any team to a SB Championship.

  5. lol phillip calm down brother, I also recognize the problem and know this winding road. All i’m saying is that we gotta be careful if we’re focusing on blaming someone instead of supporting them. I mean don’t you believe that people know they screwed up? The base media does a great job destroying these people, its ok to blame and recap, but it’s more important to support the team that might need us more then we think. I love you man (in a heterosexual way) don’t get so upset, perhaps we’re just a good combination of two different minds. Good post brother!

    • Not angry at all Bo! Sorry if I came across that way, I am just tired of the excuses and I do not accept defeat easily! Usually takes me about a week to get back to normal after a Cowboy loss like that.

  6. I know the feeling, more poor wife has to endure that. shameful moment: I actually cried at the end of the game.

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