Cowboys Corner Brandon Carr Donating $110,000 To Hometown Of Flint

RJ Ochoa

Home » Cowboys News » Cowboys Corner Brandon Carr Donating $110,000 To Hometown Of Flint

The Walter Payton Man Of The Year Award is, aside from the Lombardi Trophy, the most prestigious honor that can be handed out to a member of the National Football League.

Each of the 32 teams has a nominee for the Award, and of that list three finalists are chosen before a winner is ultimately selected.

Cowboys Blog - Cowboys Corner Brandon Carr Donating $110,000 To Hometown Of Flint 1

The Dallas Cowboys have a former winner of the Award in Jason Witten on their roster, but their 2015 nominee was one of their corners – Brandon Carr.

Simply being nominated for this is an indication of the type of character that Brandon Carr possesses, and he is demonstrating that yet again.

The water crisis in Flint, MI is a big topic across our country. As someone who was born and raised in Flint, Brandon couldn’t stand by and watch his hometown in need.

He is donating $110,000 to help create the Carr Cares Fund for Flint. $100,000 of the donation will go to Carr Cares, and the other $10,000 will go to the Safe Water Safe Home Funds to aid in replacing pipes and plumbing.

“I am especially concerned about the children of Flint who now, because of lead poisoning, face tremendous adversity for the remainder of their lives,” Carr said.

Carr also went on to “call upon everyone including my fellow athletes across all professional sports leagues to do the right thing and support these kids for long-term through the Carr Cares Fund for Flint.”

We all have different opinions on different players from the entire Dallas Cowboys roster, but we can all agree on one thing – Brandon Carr is a great person.

It’s humbling to see him reach out to his old community and do what he can to help. That’s who we want our Dallas Cowboys to be ultimately, and Carr has personified that in everything that he’s ever done off of the field.

If you want to help Brandon Carr in his efforts with a donation of your own you can do so here.

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Regardless of what you think of Brandon the player, aren’t you proud of Brandon the person? Let us know! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!

2 thoughts on “Cowboys Corner Brandon Carr Donating $110,000 To Hometown Of Flint”

  1. What a great young man he's being to his hometown cause he didn't have to.That's what I call being a man about what is needed and what a nice way to give back to his community.Also proud to know he haven't forgotten where he came from since he's in the NFL cause some do.What a blessing to the community and he will get his blessing for blessing others.I SALUTE you Brandon Carr….

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