Cowboys Cut Terrell Owens

Bryson Treece

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According to Michael Smith at ESPN, the Dallas Cowboys released Terrell Owens Wednesday night. The Cowboys have yet to confirm the move, though staff writers at are sharing this same report. This seems to indicate that they haven’t heard anything to the contrary.

This is a shocking move, although not a totally unexpected one. Speculation has been running rampant since December when reports surfaced about dissension in the locker room, and it all seems to swirl around Owens.

Should the report be true, the Cowboys will still suffer a hit to the cap very similar to what would have been spent with Owens still on the roster. It has been presumed that cutting him would make less sense given his production level and that $9 million would count against this seasons cap with or without him.

We’ll have to wait until morning most likely for official word out of Valley Ranch, but it looks as though the poll on was dead on target. The question? Who will be the number 1 receiver next year for Dallas, 78% voted that T.O. would be the number 1 over Roy Williams. Not now.

DMN is reporting that T.O. has been notified officially of his release by team officials.

26 thoughts on “Cowboys Cut Terrell Owens”

  1. I think he’ll be fine, he is a good receiver and without Owens things get better for Williams. Less worry about spreading the ball around, and more focus on him in practice and training camp, he should get more than enough reps now to get into a groove with Romo. Plus, he’ll be Romo’s number one receiver, which usually helps.

    I don’t like paying so much for nothing out of the cap, but it does show that maybe Jerry has some idea of how to regain some chemistry in the locker room. Also means that Miles Austin and Crayton are back to battling for the number 2 spot. I’d be comfortable with Williams and Austin leading the way.

  2. lmao … I hear ya man. JJ had me fooled too. not sure why he approaches everything in football like one would a poker game, but this time it might work out for us. I liked TO and wanted him to stay, but there were advantages to be gained whether he stayed or not.

  3. Yeah I haven’t figured out if this is a good move or bad. I guess in the end it comes down to, do you really think R.E. Williams can hold up to being number 1? Guess we will see :-

  4. Yeah guess I am still just in shock over this lol, I hate people who beat around the bush on things. If you can tell me straight up don’t tell me at all, fuck you jerry, fuck you. And yeah maybe shit will come together now for us “chemistry” wise.


  5. i never thought anything could happen that would make me(a life long cowboy fan) start hating the dallas cowboys…especially jerry jones for obviously listenin to his son,espn,ed werner, and jason garrett and release TO….but after what has happend this offseason so far and now this, i am really thinking about not being a cowboy fan…i cant believe this but i actually hope TO signs with the giants and comes back to haunt jerry and his stupid son and dances on the star after his tds and most likely a giants victory…….i am sick to my stomach

  6. I just gotta think, with sam hurd and miles austin likely gone, where is our depth going to come from. Its unrealistic to hope for someone like Anquan Boldin….. But let me dream!

  7. The only good side to this is hopefully the Giants and Redskins will not have the money left to go after him after all their early spending.

  8. This is a great day. T.O. and Roy gone in the same day. Not even talking about the lockerroom stuff, this frees up our offense a ton. We can actuall yuse the other talent on the team now, because it was very apparent that we wouldn’t so long as he was here to complain every time he didn’t get the ball thrown to him as much as he wanted. Maybe this will help with some of the foolish mistakes we’ve seen from Romo.

  9. Hey Bryan … did I miss something with Austin? No team is going to give up that much to get him, he’s a restricted free agent, remember, and the Cowboys tendered him with like $1.5 million and a 2nd round pick.

    Austin will be here and get more reps without TO around.

  10. Great day for the Cowboys! T.O. is a great individual player but NOT a great team player, and this is a team sport. I’m glad to see management start the effort to “clean up” this team with this release and the release of Pacman. You people talk about what a mistake it is to let him go but we still haven’t accomplished our goals WITH HIM any better than we did without him, and that is to win a playoff game. His six catches in two playoff games didn’t impress me too much. Did it you? Best of luck to Roy and T.O. in the future. No hard feelings, just definately time for both of you to go. Good moves, JJ. So glad your the gm instead of so many of these T.O. “homers” who can’t see the forest for the trees!

  11. Yeah, splitting Felix wide on occasion is something the coaches have already mentioned, think they did it once last year???

    Austin is still much of a risk to get big money anywhere, and the Cowboys have stuck by him so far. Plus he now gets to push for more opportunity than has been available the last few years without TO. If I were him, I’d be happy to stay in Dallas for 1.5 mil.

    It will probably be another week before and RFA’s start getting attention, but then we’ll see if anyone is interested.

  12. So everyone is just as happy as a pig in slop that the big bad team killing Terrell Owens is now gone. Let all the media types and “die hard” Cowboy fans gather at the entrance to Valley Ranch and sing kumbaya while joined hand in hand slowly rocking from side to side…..
    After the love fest ends, then maybe one of those gathered can explain just what this offense will do without a #1 reciever and no replacement in sight?
    For all the irrational ones out there, lets break this down….Miles Austin is not, I repeat IS NOT going to be our savior. While the guy has speed, he has nothing else. He is a “china doll” pretty to look at, but will break at any given moment. Patrick Crayton, well we all know he is no better than a #3. Sam Hurd could not even beat out Austin for the #3 last offseason. Isiah Stanbeck, a bigger Mile Austin, enough said. Before it is even said, Witten is a Tight End for a reason, if he is our leading reciever then we are in serious trouble. Plus all those middle of the field routes he runs where he is wide open are effectively gone now. The safety that would normally role over the top of T.O. will now be sitting back there just waiting for Witten…. As for roy Williams, until he proves to NFL defensive coordinators that he is a force to be reckoned with, he will not put any fear in opposing defense’s hearts.

    So what now, you can’t trade for a guy or sign one. There is no salary cap room and by this stage no one left in free agency. The draft is a crap shoot at best. Any more bright ideas????

  13. I think that Austin Miles will see other oppurtunities in other places, but i hope he doesn’t land the money. He’s a Speedy intriguing young wide reciever, in a league where veteran recievers are becoming a little too selfish…he’s a decent option for most….but i guess all things considered he should be back in Big D.

    Option to think about- Splitting out felix jones as a wide out…

  14. WE NEED T.O. Jerry Jones is a idiot. We need to resign him n maybe look for a new QB
    But I will always be a cowboys fan not a bandwagon fan like half tha ppl talkin im not a DBoy fan

  15. Come on guys … You’re looking at Roy all wrong. What if you were forced to be perfect the first day on a new job?

    Last year was messed up, which messed Roy up for a few games. Owens wanting the ball more and all that stink messed up some more. As the top guy, he’ll get in sync with Romo, especially with Kitna helping Romo understand the guy better.

    I don’t know if he’ll be a bust or not … but 2008 is the worst example to base your opinion on where Williams is concerned. He’ll produce in 2009, but it won’t matter if Garrett doesn’t utilize the other players right. Even TO got shut down because teams knew he was the target.

    It’ll only take two or three games for Roy to be dominant and the other teams we play will pay more attention. Besides, with that constant double coverage from TO, we can get different looks and expose different things, it’s no longer only about the match up a defense gives us, now we can have some control over that as well.

  16. That was one of the worse moves we could’ve made there is nobody that demands the respect that owens does he made the offense click because of the threat of him scoring now I like roy and dreams of those 2 causing major problems for other teams but now we have a # 1 1/2 and the rest 3’s at best

  17. The release of Roy Williams came as no surprise to anyone . It was a matter of when not if. Besides being a liability in coverage, his cap number was high. I believe the Cowboys will save about 2mil in cap space with his release. Half of that will be used to cover the extra cap hit from the release of T.O. Whether you agree or not with the release, you have to admit that there should be far less drama on the team this year. The players not longer in that locker room- Pacman, Tank, Roy and T.O. were lightning rods for the press. I personally hope that these moves along with the signing of some character guys recently mean that Jerry believes that talent alone does not make a winner. A class act always wins.

  18. Horrible move. 1st of all this counts against our cap space, we lose a great player and probably have made an even bigger rift in our team. Roy Williams had 19 catches for 180 yards and 1 TD in 10 games he doesn’t deserve to be starter and butterfingers Crayton isnt going to take any pressure off of him.

  19. Well said Scorpion. Sure, we could find good points for him staying, but he’s not, so let’s focus on the good points of him leaving.

  20. Yea…T.O. was a force to reckon with last year….what…8 games with 40 yards or less? He’s 30 something…time to give more playing time to the younger guys and see what they have…besides, how much longer did you think T.O. was going to play in this league? He’s old and on the downhill side of his career and he will no longer be in the heads, (and screwing them up) of half the team.

  21. how can one man supposedly be so disruptive to a team of grwn *ss men…all the the idots just love making TO the scapegoat for everything….OR MAYBE IT WAS ALL TO`S FAULT…..

    In his first season and first playoff game with the Cowboys it was Terrell Owens who fumbled away an easy snap that would’ve guaranteed a victory over the Seattle Seahawks, which would have put them into a game against the eventual NFC champion Chicago Bears
    In the year after in the playoffs it was apparently Terrell Owens who stopped short on his route and watched a sure touchdown throw fall harmlessly on to the turf in the last seconds at home against the eventual super bowl champion New York Giants.
    In his last season with the Cowboys, since he was cut today, it is apparent Owens is at fault for not signing a backup quarterback who could throw the football farther than twenty yards, and being a part of a defensive unit that allowed record setting back to back eighty plus yard runs in a game they had locked up. This same game would’ve guaranteed them a spot in the playoffs. In his last game as a member of the Cowboys he also played the worst game of his life as a quarterback, not to mention anchoring a defense which allowed the Philadelphia Eagles offense to put up 44 points

  22. 100% agree with you prime 21 blame T.O for everything. He’s a easy target Romo NEVER makes mistakes Jason Garrett Never makes mistakes its all T.O’s fault for the cowboys failures PLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE !!!!!!!!

  23. You know, I’d have to agree with that sentiment … PLEASE!!!

    It doesn’t matter if Owens was the only problem because we all know he wasn’t.

    What does matter is that he did make mistakes, he did give up on routes toward the end of the season. He did say things he shouldn’t have said. It’s one thing to say all the stuff about wanting the ball and good things happening when does, I agree with what he said on that. But when he told Sanders all that stuff about Garrett, he kind of asked to be fired.

    I mean hell, do you go to work, stand on top of your desk, and tell everyone there that your boss, a guy, wears high heels and pantyhose when he’s in is his office? Not if you want to keep your job.

    So like I said, debating the merits of Owens being cut isn’t worth it, it all comes down to what is done is done. Let’s try to focus on what can be done now.

  24. Good reply, Bryson. Prime21….I guess it was just a “coincidence” about what happened in San Fransisco and Philly when T.O. was a member of the team? I’m sure his departure from those teams was other people’s fault as well. Seems there are alot of “grown men” and teams that had a problem with your boy. I find it funny that nearly all the teams in the league don’t want to take a chance on this guy but you defend him to the bitter end. I guess all those football people and teams don’t know what they are talking about.

    Prediction: Someone will give him a chance. He will be a good boy for the first year,then the whining and crying will start in the second year. I’m sure it will be because his QB isn’t good enough to showcase his talents and he will tell the world about it. Sound familar? 3 for 3. San Fran, Philly and Dallas. The only question is, who will be #4.

    Our offense will be fine next year. Decent to good line, excellent RB’s, and a good young QB who is getting experience from each game. Does he through too many interceptions. Absolutely! But with another year or two, he will be fine. Our remaining WR’s can get the job done for us.

    Philly’s offense seems to be just fine without T.O. and the perceived lack of quality at WR that they currently have. They seem to be able to generate enough offense to make it to the title game.


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