Cowboys’ Deep Blue Series Continues With “Jim Garrett: Selfless”

Walter Yeates

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Many may not be familiar with the father of current Dallas Cowboys Head Coach. As with many unsung heroes, his impact on the lives he has coached go well beyond any football field. Even Jason Garrett traces his success to the practices his dad hosted for those ranging from fourteen to professional ready prospects.

The second edition of Deep Blue highlights the incredible coaching and scouting career of Jim Garrett, who was a Dallas Cowboys Scout from 1987-2004.

Every individual interviewed about Jim spoke nothing other than how gracious and selfless he was with helping each player that trained with him in his back yard. Players ranging from Miles Austin, Darian Barnes, and current Cowboys Player Development Consultant Calvin Hill all shared fond memories of Jim Garrett.

At one point in the documentary, he relayed a powerful message of seeing each of these players as his sons, wanting nothing else but to see them achieve and reach their ultimate goals. On the outside, one would see Jim Garrett as a man who dedicated his life to football, but in reality his life’s practice has been developing upstanding gentlemen.

If you have yet to watch the documentary it is definitely worth the time and is an outstanding follow-up to Driven: The Jason Witten Story.

The Jim Garrett Story