Cowboys Fan Attacks Own Brother After Loss to Packers

Sean Martin

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a 40-year old Dallas Cowboys fan, Justin Dale Boyer was killed by his brother Robert Boyer following his Packers’ playoff win against the Cowboys on Sunday. Reportedly distraught after the loss, Justin – who had been drinking along with Robert – attacked his brother, forcing Robert to act in self-defense and stab Justin to death.

Both brothers were treated at the hospital that Justin later died at, after he was found by neighbor Robert Lewis with stab wounds outside of his front door late after the game. Lewis had this to say about the shocking nature of Justin’s death:

“I’m passionate. I’m an Eagles fan and I’m passionate about my Eagles but to get to that level over a ballgame is just crazy. Unreal, unbelievable.”

This story serves as a grim reminder that our passions for any football team should be rooted in enjoyment of this great game, and not with the death of a fan and family member for Robert Boyer – who will now have to deal with the loss of Justin while it is still uncertain if he will be arrested in this case.