Cowboys Mentality Can’t Change With NFC East Division Locked Up

Brian Martin

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Christmas came a few days early for the Dallas Cowboys when the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the New York Giants 24-19 Thursday night.

With the win over the Giants, the Eagles gift wrapped the NFC East division for the Cowboys and it could possibly mean America’s Team doesn’t have to leave the great state of Texas on their journey to the Super Bowl. Of course, a few things have to fall into place in order for that to happen, but it is still a possibility.

Home field advantage could be huge for the Cowboys once the playoffs kickoff, but one thing is for sure, head coach Jason Garrett can’t allow his team to lose focus on their Super Bowl aspirations.

This team regained their momentum last week with an impressive win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It was an important victory, especially considering how the team kind of struggled the previous two games against the Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants.

You see, keeping the momentum going is a finicky task to take on, but a task I think the Dallas Cowboys need to accomplish if they want to put their best foot forward once the playoffs get underway.

These final two games of the regular season against the Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles are almost meaningless now, but I think it would be a mistake for the Cowboys to approach these final games with that kind of mindset.

The mental side of the game is a lot of times undervalued, but that’s the aspect of the game I’m thinking about right now in regards to the Dallas Cowboys and their postseason aspirations.

Dez BryantI honestly want to see the Cowboys come out and be physically dominating Monday night against the Detroit Lions. I want to see them play with a killer attitude that we really haven’t seen from them this season.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they have done an outstanding job of maintaining their composure this season, but at the same time we haven’t seen them play with that killer instinct yet. It’s that killer mentality that I want to see them adopt from here on out.

I’m just a little nervous they will try to coast through these remaining games and it will have an impact on them negatively in the playoffs.

This team needs to finish off on a strong note because they will likely have a first-round bye, which means they need to carry as much momentum into the playoffs as possible if they plan on traveling a few hours south to Houston, Texas for the Super Bowl.

This is not a time to set things on cruise control. I would like nothing more see the Dallas Cowboys pull a Usain Bolt by completely dominating the competition and cross the finish line first.

For the Dallas Cowboys to put themselves in the best position possible to achieve their goals this season, they simply can’t allow their mentality to change now that they know without a doubt that the NFC East division is locked up.

Mental toughness has been an important tool in the Cowboys repertoire this season, and will continue to be so in the postseason if they don’t lose focus on their goal.

Do you think the Cowboys mentality will change with the division locked up?

Please feel free to use the comment section below to share your thoughts and opinions on this topic.

2 thoughts on “Cowboys Mentality Can’t Change With NFC East Division Locked Up”

  1. You nailed it Brian I couldn’t agree more. Hammer down and go for the jugular in these final 2 games. I was glad to read today where Jerry said they wouldn’t rest players as he remembers 2007 when they did and got knocked out of the playoffs by our nemesis Giants. Glad he had the foresight to remember that. Everyone talks about preventing injuries but we all know that can happen at any moment. Marinelli has had to adjust to injuries all season so I feel we should be fine. Put the pedal to the metal and come out spitting fire.

    • Thanks for commenting Don. I’m just hoping the Cowboys don’t become complacent. I’m just worried it could come back and bite them in the butt in the end.

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