Keeping up with the Dallas Cowboys on the go can be difficult. Sites like Twitter and Facebook move too fast, step away for half an hour and you’ve missed tons of updates. What you need is an app that collects the latest Cowboys news in a compact feed, that’s always ready when you are!
Daily Rival is launching a brand new app (now available on the Google Play Store!) for Dallas Cowboys news; the Android app is called Cowboys News Feed SS. The app is lightweight, feature-filled, and about the best way to stay up to date on articles from sites like Inside The Star, Blogging The Boys, NFL, and more.
Here are some features from the Cowboys News Feed SS app:
- Hourly syncs to get you the latest Dallas Cowboys news without straining your bandwidth. You can change the sync frequency via settings to as often as you like.
- In-app podcast listings grab the audio from any posts in the feed for your listening pleasure and convenience.
- In-app @CowboysNation timeline feed. @CowboysNation is the most followed independent Dallas Cowboys account on Twitter, and for good reason. The tweets are informative and entertaining, and they have been for years.
- Direct in-app access to the ITS Dallas Cowboys Star Emoji, so you can grab whenever you need, straight from the app.
- “Star” items in the feed that you want to keep as a way of marking them as favorites.
- Share articles to your social media accounts, phone contacts, and more natively from the app.
- View the news feed how you wan with options for unread only, all starred items, and more.
- Visit the source web page of a feed item with a single tap, right from the item’s page.
- Configurable push notifications whenever a sync is performed and finds new items for you to view.
- It’s totally free! The app runs a very limited set of ads in exchange for the low price tag, just enough to recoup development and maintenance costs. The ads are all served directly by Google, a brand we all know and trust.
More features will be added over time, including additional feed sources as more sites make their RSS feeds discoverable.
The bottom line is, you can’t beat the value of free Dallas Cowboys news delivered to the palm of your hand. Grab it now so you know what’s going on.