Cracking the Jason Garrett code

Lee Pierce

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Jason Garrett’s offensive scheme is much like the DaVinci code. And by that I mean stupid. But seriously I have been thinking about this a lot, every game there has been something that just keeps rubbing me the wrong way, and that is why in the world do the Cowboys not run a slant route!!! I have come to the conclusion that Jason Garrett has created his offensive philosophy around the Fibonacci number sequence. Yeah, tell me about it! In order to understand the game plan you must have a PHD in Mathematics, Psychology, and Organic Chemistry. The only problem with this is that none of the Cowboys meet this criteria!!

The longer I thought about it i came to another conclusion maybe Garrett suffers from some sort of Slant Route Phobia? Did he have a bad child hood encounter with a Slant Route? Did he have an angry Slant Route monster hiding in his closet at night? Because that would be pretty scary for a young boy. Someone please help me understand this problem! More importantly these double and triple move routes the Boy’s seem to run aren’t fooling anyone and they obviously don’t work.