Daily Take: March 15 2013

Bo Martin

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Our Daily Take brings you all the news and updates surrounding Cowboys Nation!

  • It didn’t take former wide receiver Kevin Ogletree long to find a home, he was signed yesterday in Tampa.
  • There has been many questions about Doug Free lately but it appears his job is fine at the moment, according to a story by ESPN.
  • I don’t usually like to feature stuff here from DC.com but I enjoyed this piece on Miles Austin.

Around the NFC East

  • Victor Cruz remains the news in the Big Apple and this article takes a look at how important Cruz is to the explosiveness of the New York offense.
  • The Washington Redskins made a move yesterday by signing Jeremy Trueblood to help with their offensive line.
  • The Philadelphia Eagles are making tons of good moves this offseason and continued to do so with the signing of Connor Barwin, Cary Williams and Kenny Phillips.