Dallas Cowboys Cut QB Hold-out Kyle Orton

Brian Leatherman

Home » Cowboys News » Dallas Cowboys Cut QB Hold-out Kyle Orton

Push came to shove and the ‘Boys shoved Kyle Orton out the door. The team decided they didn’t want someone around that didn’t want to be here. And really, you can’t blame Jones for that.

Although, as fellow writer Tarheel Paul here at Dallas Cowboys Nation brought to my attention, they did let a bad apple go, yes but what message is it really sending the team? Can anyone decide they don’t want to play here and just sit out until the team cuts them? It’s happened twice now within a year (Orton, Jay Ratliff)

KD Drummond writes a beautiful article breaking down the salary cap implications this has for the team over at CowboysHQ – Orton’s ‘Cut’ Clarifies Cowboys Finances:

[su_quote cite=”Scout.com – KD Drummond” url=”http://dal.scout.com/story/1421454-orton-s-cut-clarifies-cowboys-finances?s=112″]“So in the end, they have released Orton. If he had played, Orton would have counted $4.3775m against the 2014 cap. With his retirement, there is no base salary to pay, so only his prorated signing bonuses count against the cap. With a cap hit of $1.1275m, the retirement actually gives Dallas $3.25 million of more space. However, the remaining unamortized bonus that was to be charged to 2015 and 2016 ($1.1275m respectively) now hits the 2015 cap as “dead money”, totaling $2.255m.”[/su_quote]

Either way, Orton’s departure leaves the door open for Brandon Weeden to take over the number 2 QB position, behind Tony Romo.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any type of drama on this team. If a player doesn’t want to be on this team then I say show him the door. And today, that is exactly what the Joneses have done. What’s your take on Kyle Orton and his end in Dallas? I’d like to know how other fans think this kind of thing will affect the team in the future with regard to holdouts.

3 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys Cut QB Hold-out Kyle Orton”

  1. Never liked holdouts. Sure, this isn’t the traditional sense of the term but he basically did the same thing, only worse because he wasn’t doing it for more money. Why was he doing it? Own up to your shit bro. Quit playing games.

  2. Bryson Treece Been saying same thing, but then I backed off and started to think maybe there’s something else going on in his life that could be causing this. Nope, not now bro. let him go backup another team for way less money. screw it

  3. @havmer Bryson Treece And see, that’s gonna piss me off if he pulls a Ratliff and goes to play for another team. if he’s retiring, this was a chicken shit way to do it, but at least I can understand it. If Orton has done all this in some delusional hope of playing again, starting even, then dik, screw him lol

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