Dallas Cowboys’ Division Rival Claims “We Run The East”

Brian Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Dallas Cowboys’ Division Rival Claims “We Run The East”

With the impressive win over the Green Bay Packers, the Dallas Cowboys improved their winning streak to five straight games and sit atop the NFC East division with a 5-1 record.

The NFC East division has been somewhat overlooked the past several years, but so far in 2016 it’s the only division in the NFL that has all four teams at or above the .500 mark.

Maybe it’s because I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan, but to me America’s Team has been one of most impressive teams in not only in the NFL, but the NFC East division as well.

Of course, not everyone would agree with me.  In fact, the Washington Redskins recently claimed that they are the best team in the NFC East division, not the Cowboys.

It’s really amazing what you can find on Twitter, especially after the games are played over the weekend.

In the video above you see Washington Redskins players heading back to the locker room after narrowly escaping the Philadelphia Eagles at home. Naturally, they were on a victory high and you can hear several players boasting that “We run the East”.

In all fairness, they still didn’t know the outcome of the Cowboys and Packers game, but they still wouldn’t have been in first place due to the fact the Cowboys beat them earlier this season and hold the tiebreaker.

I’m sure cooler heads have prevailed now and they know who the “King of the Hill” is right now, the Dallas Cowboys, who are one of the hottest teams in the NFL.

Of course, this is the Washington Redskins we are talking about and I might be giving them just a little bit more credit than they actually deserve, especially if you take Chris Baker and Ricky Jean François at their word.

“We run the damn East,” Ricky Jean François said, via the Washington Post. “Not Philly, not Dallas, not all of them. We run the damn East. Better remember we got that damn title.”

Fellow Redskins defensive lineman, Chris Baker, pretty much echoed François’ statement in the video above.

“Y’all forgot who the real champs of the NFC East is,” Chris Baker shouted, “everyone picking them trash-ass Eagles.”

In all honesty, this is really one of those situations where all you can do is laugh and shake your head that the Redskins players can so easily forget they are currently sitting second in their division. Not only that, the only reason they probably won the division in 2015 is because Tony Romo was injured the majority of the season.

In fact, one of the Cowboys four wins in 2015 came against the Washington Redskins in  Week 13. The Dallas Cowboys beat the Redskins at FedEx Field with a score of 19-16, led by quarterback Matt Cassel.

I’ll wait a little bit while you quit laughing.

Okay, have you composed yourself yet, because the Cowboys and Redskins would face off against one another again in 2015 to close out the season in Week 17.

Now, the Redskins won that game 34-23, but not before the Cowboys fourth quarterback of the season, Kellen Moore, threw for 435 yards and three touchdowns.

Go ahead, I give you permission to start laughing again.

But in all seriousness, to claim that you’re the best team in the division based on last year’s division title is just ridiculous.

The Redskins are on a four-game winning streak, but with the way the Cowboys are playing right now it will be difficult for them to keep pace with Dallas throughout the season.

The division title winner might come down to the next meeting between the two teams, when the Cowboys play the Redskins Week 12 for that Thanksgiving day game at AT&T Stadium.

I don’t know about you, but there is already plenty of bulletin board material to get me pumped up for that Thanksgiving day meeting.

What do you think of the Washington Redskins claim as the top dog in the NFC East division?

Let me hear your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below so we can discuss this topic further.

11 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys’ Division Rival Claims “We Run The East””

  1. The Redskins will show there true colors before the season is over, black and blue and they will be singing the blues after thanksgiving game against the COWBOYS.

    • LOL… Black and blue. I think I might have to still that from you Stephen. From what I’ve seen on watching the Redskins, they don’t look like a team that should threaten the Cowboys or one that will continue to win games like they have been.

  2. everybody knows the redskins winning that division was a fluke im a cowboy fan and we win it the division this year

    • Thanks for commenting Sam. I 100% agree with you. The Cowboys are playing like one of the best, if not the best teams in the NFL. Let’s just hope they can keep it up.

  3. Soo I live in Maryland and unfortunately I’m surrounded by skins fans…don’t know who’s worst the deadskins or their irritating fans lol they were calling for their quarterback’s head the first two weeks and now they’re praising him. I’m not worried they Redskins never let me down, they always go back to stinking up the joint…now my boyz on the other hand…like you said we’re not slowing up!!

    • Roro, I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. I think I know how you feel. I live in the Houston area and Texans fans love nothing more than hating on anything to do with the Cowboys. I imagine it’s 100 times worse for you though since the Redskins and the Cowboys are division rivals. Hopefully the Cowboys will continue playing the way they are and allow you to hold it over all of your Redskin neighbors.

  4. I think Dallas can win the Division and get into the playoffs. They have four of the main ingredients needed; a good offensive line, a good running game, good QB play and a good defense. They should win enough games to take the Division. If the Redskins can beat them, then the Redskins are likely to take the Division.

    • George, I agree with you. The Cowboys seem to have everything going their way right now. I really don’t think the Redskins are as good as their record implies. I think if the Cowboys can continue to do what they’re doing, there won’t be another team within the division that threatens them.

  5. As long as the Cowboys stay healthy they take the East. I also believe if they can remain healthy and keep getting great defensive play they have a great opportunity to play for the NFC championship game.

    • Hey John! I went to school with a John Mathis at Barbers Hill. Who knows, you might just be the same person ha ha. I agree with you though. The Cowboys have done an outstanding job so far despite the injuries to some of their key players. If those players can return to the lineup and the rest of the team stays healthy, they have a really good chance of playing deep into the playoffs, if not the Super Bowl.

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