Dallas Cowboys: Early Offseason Review

Ray Lopiparo

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Well I’m excited to start writing for the site however I am not excited about our recent offseason moves. Don’t take this as me slamming the Cowboys I’m just simply highly aggravated lately with our front office management.

So far my grade for this offseason’s moves is a D it certainly can be worse but not much.

We all know Jerry Jones is the GM for the Cowboys and I have to say I am completely disgusted already with the off-season moves.

First we trade Anthony Henry whom lead The Dallas Cowboys in interceptions in 2007 and we already cut Pacman Jones so now all we have is Terence Newman who can’t seem to stay healthy for an entire season to save his life and the Dallas cornerbacks  are weak to begin with!

So we get rid of Henry now it’s Newman, Jenkins, and Scandrick as the top three corners?

Give me a break; remember when Jenkins refused to even attempt to tackle Derrick Ward last season? (footage here) that’s a great guy to have in your top three corners.

I’ve heard rumors about Shaun Springs coming to Dallas and that would certainly help the cornerback situation. However, either way, by trading Henry we lose much needed depth at Corner and actually lose cap space because of Kitna’s contract, when we could have just signed a free agent backup such as Kyle Boller or Rex Grossman who is younger and likely better.

Dallas gave up another late round pick to the Lions did Dallas give them enough this year? We already gave them our 1st round picks and 3rd for Roy Williams and we don’t learn we get ripped off by them again. Kitna is 36 years old I really don’t see much of a difference between him and Brad Johnson.

The Lions were 0-16 last year and by those standars aren’t by any means a good football team yet we keep giving them picks and taking their players that leave much to be desired.

And another thing about the Kitna trade, his best friend on the team is Roy E. Williams so our apperant “heir” to Owens is going to likely spend more time with our backup Kitna then Romo. That’s going to go over well and certainly help a divided locker room. 

Lastly, hasn’t our entire defense had a problem with this guy? Terence Newman, Ware, and Bradie James. Definitely a good way to get a locker room closer together.

We get the chance to sign Ray Lewis a MLB something we actually need, someone who would take command in the locker room and instead we get Keith Brooking.  The Cowboys had their most disappointing season possibly of all time last year and what do they do to start the off-season? Trade a needed Corner, get a washed up outside linebacker we don’t need and waste a bunch of cap space.

Dallas also has not resigned Chris Canty who was a vital part of the 3-4 defense last year, now he is on the New York Giants.

Now im not completely ignorant not everything you want can happen. Maybe signing Ray Lewis was a strech but wait Demarcus Ware had this to say

“You know, actually, when we played Ray Lewis and Baltimore at the end of the season, he came over and pointed to my helmet. He said, ‘I want to wear this star on my helmet, that’s my dream…that’s my dream.’ When we got to the Pro Bowl, he did it again. He came at me every day. It’s a great opportunity for him. His door is open. He’s an unrestricted free agent. He’s trying to get down where the star is. He told me he needed me to get him Jerry Jones’ phone number for him. I just busted out laughing.” (Link here)

Wait a second…You’re telling me Demarcus Ware and Ray Lewis our both good friends off the field. Yes they are, so with me typing this seething I think to myself we could have had Ray Lewis and Demarcus Ware the two captains of the defense and take over the entire locker room.

There would be no split locker room or animosity with Lewis coming into the Cowboys defense and Ware saying “this is my defense” The two are already friends!

 We aren’t getting a 1st round pick this year so virtually we head into next season with the same exact team as last year. If not a little worse. If that doesn’t scare us Cowboys fan’s i’m not sure what will.

 I hope I’m wrong about all this, because all I want is the Cowboys to actually succeed and not be a joke to the media and fans. 

But I’m starting to think the longer Jerry Jones is GM the worse this team is going to be. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great owner and business man and has made the Cowboys into an economic powerhouse in the NFL. But looks how many coaches we’ve been through in the last 13 years of not winning a playoff game. How many times do you think he would have fired the GM if it wasn’t him?

Dallas fan’s deserve better, and so does this team.

6 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys: Early Offseason Review”

  1. I am not either for or against this signing, but Keith Brooking had the two best years of his career in 2002-2003 while playing the sam backer position for Wade Phillips! This is the reason they signed him! Not because they are stupid, but because of familiarity! I would love to have Ray Lewis, but not at 7-8 million per season when he plays the same position Bradie James plays. As far as Anthony Henry goes, he is done he just cannot cover anymore, and we desperately needed a solid back up QB that will be a good locker room guy. Don’t think he was brought here to sit back and do nothing. Kitna was brought in more for what he can do to the locker room than for what he can do on the field. I am just not a big fan of blasting people for decisions in March, when we have yet to see the people on the field!

  2. Ray … I must say, I agree with Bags on this one. Brooking isn’t going to be a show stopper out there, but he is still a better player than Thomas is. His native position is also as a middle linebacker, just in a 4-3 for most of his career. The one time he did play in a 3-4 was under then defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, and he put up career numbers in both years.

    Mike Jenkins did fail to attempt that tackle, but it was a one time incident that he seemed to learn from, another off-season will help the 1st year corner do better.

  3. Wow…I feel alot better…from the two comments above, I know that everybody has not gone insane!
    Really…some of you DO NOT need to breed!

    Before last season, KITNA has two 4,000 yard throwing seasons with the DETROIT LIONS! I dare say he will have a little better “surrounding cast” to play with. But the key point is he has been brought in to play as a BACKUP QB. Not every game…remember? He can make the throws…Johnson just couldn’t.

    We gave up Henry. Big deal. The way some of you have commented, you would think this guy is a key to our defense! Let the younger guys get on the field.

    KEITH BROOKING…damned if you do and damned if you don’t….Dallas management can’t win with some of you guys. Burnett and Mr. Dolphin were probably not coming back next year, leaving us with what? James and Carpenter…We get a four or five time all pro, played his best years with our coach in the same position he will play here, and for basically nothing compared to what Ray Lewis would have cost. And how many times do you need to hear it before it “sinks in” that we don’t have the salary cap room to sign Canty or a Lewis without not beeing able to sign Ware?

    I am in agreement with a comment given above. Why get so upset and ridicule these transactions until you see the results on the field?

  4. You are joking. The kitna trade is just a salary cap move for both teams. Dallas gets their back up quarterback and saves cap space too. Henry was going to be cut anyway. Picking up Booking a class act to help in the locker room and Atlanta’s top tackler last year isn’t going to help the team at all. He’s 33 and still a good player might just show some of our player what a work ethic is. Canty is gone. We can improve that area by adding Vonnie Holliday. Once again a class guy that shouldn’t be too expensive. Forget Ray he’s just trying to get a better payday. He’ll be back with the Ravens as soon as his ego calms down. As far as not having a first round pick, the entire draft is not based on one pick. We have 6 picks maybe more with compensatory picks in rds 2 through 5. You can build a team with good players in those rounds. Lets see if they can find some gems this year. By the way , whats with all the hate. Lighten up.

  5. I’m fine with the Kitna deal, and I’m fine with the Brooking signing.

    I don’t like the Stewart signing, but I can step past that as a ST types deal.

    Kitna will be fine as a backup, but we need to draft a QB in the middle rounds. We have to have someone that can push Tony to be what he was in 2007, and only a young QB prospect can do that.

    Brooking is a solid signing. He has had some very good years. And, like was stated above, he had his best years in Wade’s defensive scheme.

    I don’t like the free agency period so far because we have not gone after a safety. Jermaine Phillips would be a very solid signing at SS, but by all reports we haven’t even approached him. If we go into the draft needing a SS, we may be in deep poo. Delmas would be the closest to falling to us, and I highly doubt that happens. Anyway, we need a safety.. stat.

    But, more than anything, we need to address OL early and often in this draft.


  6. Dude how do you even get a post on this website. You my friend are an idiot. Get your facts straight before you run off at the mouth. You were wrong on every statement you made. Are you sure you are a Cowboy fan.

    Scandrick and Jenkins had good rookie seasons. Oh and is it me or has Henry had trouble staying healthy.
    The boys traded for Kitna because they did not want to get into a bidding war. He restructured his deal and we save a little cap space with Henry’s trade. Also um Kitna is way better then Brad Johnson. When did Johnson ever throw back to back 4,00 yard seasons. Hold on I’ll wait………Yah thats right never. Kitna is better then REx and Kyle and he worked out his differences with James and TNew last season.
    We had no shot at R. Lewis. He was using us to drive up his price. Did you not hear the report where Lewis said he never said those statements to Ware. This is not Madden or Fantasy football. There is something called a salary cap.
    Also Brooking is not an outside line backer.
    Dude get your facts straight. Are you sure you are a Cowboys fan?

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