Dallas Cowboys Jay Ratliff and Marc Colombo Square off!

Bryson Treece

5 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys Jay Ratliff and Marc Colombo Square off!”

  1. Your a little bit behind aren’t you? ESPN showed this about 2 weeks ago lol, but gotta love the skirmy’s, get’s blood pumping.

    • Behind? Why yes I am, but not nearly as behind as you make it out! This took place last Thursday!

  2. lol just busting your kahunas man, I, like many, are just extremely stoked for Thurs to see dem Cowboys back in action after way to many months of being without. I am even staying up til 2am to watch the raiders vs cowboys on NFL Network seeing as the game isn’t being broadcasted locally here.

  3. I hear ya on the staying up all night to catch the game! I am just so ready to see a game, if for no other reason but to give me something tangible to write about!

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