Dallas Cowboys Legend Tony Romo To Make Broadcast Debut This Weekend

RJ Ochoa

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Antonio Ramiro Romo. It’s a name that gives most Dallas Cowboys fans butterflies, and it’s one that all football (and golf?) fans need to get used to since they’ll be hearing it a lot. CBS’ newest leading man is getting in his first real reps with his new blazer, and they’re coming in an environment that he knows pretty well… the golf course.

This news broke courtesy of The Ben Hogan Award’s Twitter feed and a Periscope video, as CBS Sports Producer Lance Barrow let everyone know that Romo will be getting a start for the first time since Thanksgiving Day 2015. The Romo discussion begins at about 11:20.

Many speculated when Tony Romo first chose CBS as his new home that golf and perhaps college basketball were in his future. While Romo certainly has an affinity for these things, and while he’s going to call golf in his first outing, I wouldn’t necessarily say that these are guarantees for his big-time future with CBS.

Tony Romo is fantastic, and he’s an incredibly charming guy who will probably ripple that effect into his broadcast; however, there are people in golf and college basketball who know those arenas like he knows his. This opportunity for Tony this weekend seems like the perfect way to get his feet wet, the fact that it’s golf and that Tony enjoys it just makes the opportunity possible.

Romo is going to get to stand next to one of the absolute best in the business – and his new work partner – over the weekend, Jim Nantz. Coincidentally, it was Jim Nantz and his then-partner Phil Simms that were on the call in Romo’s last start, so this whole thing is really going full circle for #9.

While we’re still a hundred days and change away from Dallas Cowboys and NFL football in general, people can tune in this Sunday and watch Tony Romo go to work. How cool did that sound?

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