Dallas Cowboys Lose to Minnesota Vikings: Time To Move On

Bo Martin

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It’s a hard thing to deal with—losing.  It’s hard because you believe your team has taken a step back. Things were clicking and now you’re unsure if it was even worth getting excited about.

I’ve been a fan of the Cowboys for 10 years. I have studied Cowboys history a great deal and consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable.  However, studying doesn’t produce emotion.

This was my first season in which the Cowboys won a playoff game.  It was the first season I watched a team play with intensity and heart.

Now I know losing to the Minnesota Vikings the way we did isn’t sitting well with most of you.  The fact that Tony Romo fumbled and threw the ball away a good bit has some of you wondering if he’s the real answer at quarterback.  Another question among you may be something about the safety’s and if that situation will ever solve itself.

I know that you’re agreeing with this and you know what parts coming up, but please hear me out.

Yes, this is a step back, but we’ve taken three steps forward.  This team has finally come into its own—it’s finally learned that a team is a family and when you win and lose, you do it together.

It’s much too early to start over, it’s too soon to call Romo a bust (who’s played brilliantly this season by the way), it’s too soon to say that Wade should be gone, and it’s certainly to soon to say this defense isn’t a unit that can win championships.

This is your Dallas Cowboys team for the next three or four years.

The draft will bring us some new faces and so will free agency, and some players will go (Marcus Spears).  You can bet some players will be packaged in a deal (We’ve got our eyes on Martellus Bennett and Marion Barber) but ultimately this is the unit that will bring wins and losses.

So as I sit here and rewind, think to the future, and put together the formula for a championship, I can’t help but think we’ve got most of the pieces.

Add a spectacular safety here, a future blue-collar middle linebacker, and some depth in the trenches and you’ve got a team that is built to win.

If you’re like me then you’re sitting down depressed and looking for any reassurance or optimism about the coming season.  Hear me now, believe that these Cowboys are for real and they are not done.  The schedule is tough next year—but it’s not un-winnable.

So as we take a step back—after a few steps forward—lets see where Jerry Jones and Wade Phillips lead us next before assuming it’s the end.

3 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys Lose to Minnesota Vikings: Time To Move On”

  1. Just an old fashion butt kicking. No doubt who the best team was. As for the last score, get over it Brookling, I'm sure next year when the Vikes come to your house you will rub it in, and if you get the chance, rightfully so. But Brookling has been the leader emotionally , now he needs to grow up and act emotionally mature. I think you get what comes around, so how's that Dallas?

  2. My hopes for next year:

    1. Draft a KICKER ( Why didn't they put Buehler in? It couldn't get ANY worse could it?)
    2. Fire Jason Garrett or hope he get's a HC somewhere ELSE (He couldn't adjust to the Vikings D & 4 draw plays at the end? CMON!)

    I am sure something else will come up later on but for now this is only thing going through my mind. I am pissed but over it and am already looking forward to next year because of the potential we have going in and what we can pick up in the draft (This year's draft is souped up with defensive players).

    What was Sensanbaugh doing? blah

    • We certainly need a kicker now, too bad Folk couldn't get back to form after his surgery. As for Jason Garrett, I hate to say it and admit that we're going to go right back down this road—because I said it a lot before the '09 season started—but you're right. I was screaming at the beautiful and large LCD TV I have, damning it for showing me the retardation of Garrett in such brilliant and high definition display.

      When you have a team that is so hell bent, and successful, to pressure the QB, a draw play isn't the best idea. A draw play, instead of making the defense pay for coming to aggressively, actually favors the defense in that case. It allows time for the ball to go no where while the defense sets up and goes after it. Yet Garrett couldn't think of a better type of run play than that? I bet of the run plays we did call, 80 percent or more were draws. Stupid. He needs to go.

      As for Sensabaugh, he could have done better by doing—anything really. It was Newman that blew the coverage on that play though. Sensabaugh tried to pick it up, and did a wonderful job of staying with him, but he forgot to defend the pass. Certainly one of the biggest WTF?!?!?! moments this season.

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