Dallas Cowboys: Predicting Team Captains For The 2017 Season

Brian Martin

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Every year before the upcoming season officially kicks off, the Dallas Cowboys get together as a team and cast their votes for the season’s team captains. The Cowboys usually have five team captains: two on offense, two on defense, and one special-teams player. With things being so slow this time year in the NFL, I decided to try to predict who the 2017 Dallas Cowboys team captains will be.

In 2016 the captains were Jason Witten, Travis Frederick, Sean Lee, Barry Church, and Dan Bailey. The 2017 Dallas Cowboys team captains could look much different. There are several players deserving of this honor, but you never know how those vote will fall ultimately.

At first glance, it looks as if last year’s team captains could take on that role once again in 2017, but upon closer examination you may notice Barry Church has since moved on. Then, you have to take into consideration this is a different team and votes are likely to go to different players, which means we could see some new 2017 Dallas Cowboys team captains.

My predictions are based on who I would personally vote for to be the 2017 team captains, not necessarily the way I believe the Cowboys’ players will vote. Continue reading below to see my five 2017 Dallas Cowboys team captain prediction.

Dak Prescott

Dak PrescottNo offense to Travis Frederick, but I think Dak Prescott ends up wearing the “C” on his chest in 2017. Frederick was likely voted team captain by his teammates last season after everyone learned Tony Romo would miss some time due to his fractured back. Unfortunately for Frederick, I don’t think that happens again this season.

As a rookie, Prescott showed the poise and leadership qualities that get you voted team captain by your peers. He is already expected to take on a larger leadership role in his second season in the NFL and his teammates have already proven their faith in the young QB by the way they rallied around him last season. It just seems to me that that is the natural progression of things.

Jason Witten

Jason Witten
Mandatory Credit: Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports

Naming Jason Witten as a team captain is a given right? I doubt there is another Cowboys player that is as respected and revered as Witten is both on and off the field. He may be the “old bull” in the locker room now, but I don’t see any way his teammates don’t vote him as a team captain once again in 2017.

The only way I don’t see Jason Witten as a team captain this season is if he somehow bows out and convinces his teammate to vote for someone else. Maybe this is how Travis Frederick can keep the “C” embroidered on his jersey. That would be a Witten type of thing to do. He always puts his team and teammates before himself.

Sean Lee

Sean LeePredicting Sean Lee as a Dallas Cowboys 2017 team captain should be another no-brainer. The Cowboys are going to have a lot of youth infused into the defense this season and having an example like Sean Lee leading the way as a captain will set an example for everyone.

There’s not another player on the entire Cowboys roster that has had the types of highs and lows in their career as #50. He has had to battle back from injuries on numerous occasions, which is a testament to his work ethic. But, he also is a student of the game and knows how to prepare mentally as well. I don’t think there is another player on the defensive side of the ball more worthy of being a captain.

Byron Jones

Byron Jones
(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)

The Cowboys’ defense is in need of some leadership in the secondary, especially now with the departure former team captain Barry Church. I think the next logical choice and most deserving to become a 2017 Dallas Cowboys team captain is Byron Jones.

With the exception of Orlando Scandrick, Byron Jones is the most experienced player the Dallas Cowboys have in the secondary. He is someone who can be trusted to be a team captain and someone who is highly respected by his teammates. I expect him to take on a much more vocal leadership role this season, especially with the amount of young defensive backs expected to contribute this year.

Dan Bailey

Dan BaileyI think there is just one deserving player to be a team captain for the special teams units, and that is Dan Bailey. I think he retains the “C” embroidered on his jersey in 2016 and I’m sure his teammates would agree.

Dan Bailey has arguably developed into one of the best, if not the best, kickers in the entire NFL. He is unflappable on the field and his steadiness/character makes him the ideal team captain.

What’s your predictions for the Cowboys 2017 team captains?

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